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iOS 5- what would you like to see for iPad?

jtrosky said:
Heres another simple one:

- Let me change my "new mail" sound (along with other OS sounds). That stupid little beep sound is useless.

That drives me crazy that you have to jailbreak just to change the sounds... Basic stuff that any "user-friendly" OS should allow by default.

I agree, the goal is to have your computer to go not a cell phone platform, I do use the 3G allot while out, makes a world of a difference but the whole iOSdevelopement feels like it's focusing towards more app sales with no return policies or guarantees they even work. , I think I purchased around 6 that where a rip off, nothing worked or they where simply bogus games.

The main thing is to allow a whole computer to run with the iPad's tablet functions, simple and done.

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SkyStudio said:
I don't want to sound negative by adding this but I think the nest iOS will lock out the possibility of jail breaking the devices, already as we see how they started to use locations services for their apps to encourage not jail breaking.

I hope Apple does listen to iPad users, it's the future if you ask me

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Where there's a will, there's away. Jailbreaking will always be possible, imo
Browser upload support, it helps me to upload many forums/sites

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I use istorage for that. It has a built in browser that pulls files from the app that I put in it to upload. Pdf,doc,jpeg are a few I use

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SkyStudio said:
I don't want to sound negative by adding this but I think the nest iOS will lock out the possibility of jail breaking the devices, already as we see how they started to use locations services for their apps to encourage not jail breaking.

I hope Apple does listen to iPad users, it's the future if you ask me

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF

As far as I heard Stevie likes his products his way and doesn't really do that much customer research which is both good, and bad.

Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!
As far as I heard Stevie likes his products his way and doesn't really do that much customer research which is both good, and bad.
I whole heartedly disagree with this statement. Apple is what it is because "Stevie" knows precisely what the buying public wants in terms of consumer electronics. Maybe it is the result of intensive research or maybe its just his keen intuition, but the man knows what he is doing.
1991-C4 said:
I whole heartedly disagree with this statement. Apple is what it is because "Stevie" knows precisely what the buying public wants in terms of consumer electronics. Maybe it is the result of intensive research or maybe its just his keen intuition, but the man knows what he is doing.

I met Steve way back in the mid 90's while living and working in SF, Steve is so like west coast hippy, I thought he was tripping when he asked me if I would like a computer that's transparent, like you don't see it he said, but you see the screen, you see the keyboard yet they are all transparent, remind you this is the mod 90's., the new screens and iMacs which where glassish did not come out for a decade later.,

Allot of apples parts to make these USER fantasies come true are already out in Assia, Steve told me that when I go to Japan I'll see many things not available yet in the USA, and he was right!, in 1994 I got this chrome portable tape recorder which was the size of the cassettes themselves and as thin, touch screen, weird Japanese proprietary connectors and I brought it back to the US, nothing existed like it until tape recorders became obsolete,, the iPad today itself is a digital phot frame, everything it seems Steve does is from a user experience perspective and he uses parts already out there, but I must say the nano with a camera, phone card slot, geeze, I think he still wants to make everything transparent if you ask me.

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1991-C4 said:
I whole heartedly disagree with this statement. Apple is what it is because "Stevie" knows precisely what the buying public wants in terms of consumer electronics. Maybe it is the result of intensive research or maybe its just his keen intuition, but the man knows what he is doing.

Exactly I also agree with your statement but I heard the last fact I pointed out from a TV program I watched on Bloomberg by one of Stevie's buddy (Made just when the iPad came out I believe). Well I say he absolutely knows what he's doing either way. Lot's of companies usually do endless of customer research and then attempt to satisfy the customer rather than create their products to satisfy themselves so good that they themselves just couldn't think without it. Part of Apple's is if you love the product and it's a fairly decent price, other people will also love it and remember how high Steve Jobs' expectations are.

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KenjiBeast said:
Does anybody know yet if ios 5 is going to be compatible with 1st gen ipads? I pray this is the case!!

Very good question, I think that the chances of them making things incompatible in 99 % accurate.

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF
It will run on the first gen iPad(iOS 5).The 1GHz A4 processor of the iPad is still capable of more.They don't have any reasons to stop providing updates for the first generation device!
Fabytm said:
It will run on the first gen iPad(iOS 5).The 1GHz A4 processor of the iPad is still capable of more.They don't have any reasons to stop providing updates for the first generation device!
I also see no reason for iMovie for iPad 2 not to work with iPad one but hey that's apple right.

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SkyStudio said:
As far as I heard Stevie likes his products his way and doesn't really do that much customer research which is both good, and bad.

But it works well for Apple, doesn't it? I could never understand why people bash Apple for being stupid or they say Apple does not know what they are doing.

Apparently, Apple knows a few things about what we want and their stock prices and balance sheet tell a different story.

We should all be that lucky in business.


You know what though, we can't talk about apple on their discussion forums, I also assume some of their discussion board users with 4000 posts a year and fancy avatars work for apple, I don't have the time to post 4000 times in one year even with this forum which in my opinion is the way to go when it comes to forums if you ask me,

Anyway with all that been said some of those apple discussion board users bury any topic exposing faulty parts, the word BUG does not exist, apple basically ignores everyone and later posts an update, re calls get bashed by apple users with 4000 or more posts a year, I think Apple plays their role here a bit to allow all that if they claim to remove topics on their boards for un related tech questions, 99 % of the trolling starts whenever you see hundreds of users with issues like the MacBook pro batteries blowing up, etc etc., not fair at all.


Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF
You know what though, we can't talk about apple on their discussion forums, I also assume some of their discussion board users with 4000 posts a year and fancy avatars work for apple, I don't have the time to post 4000 times in one year even with this forum which in my opinion is the way to go when it comes to forums if you ask me,

Anyway with all that been said some of those apple discussion board users bury any topic exposing faulty parts, the word BUG does not exist, apple basically ignores everyone and later posts an update, re calls get bashed by apple users with 4000 or more posts a year, I think Apple plays their role here a bit to allow all that if they claim to remove topics on their boards for un related tech questions, 99 % of the trolling starts whenever you see hundreds of users with issues like the MacBook pro batteries blowing up, etc etc., not fair at all.

Are you referring to this forum? Are you aware that this is a PRIVATE forum that only shares its name with a particular product and the company that makes it? Although Apple probably does know that we exist, we are in no way related to the company, speak on their behalf or are sanctioned by them.

And if some people have the time and inclination to make 4000 posts a year, what's it to you? This isn't just a "tech" forum, but is a social gathering place where many people come just to spend time to share thoughts and ideas about how to maximize the utility and enjoyment of this wonderful product.
1991-C4 said:
Are you referring to this forum? Are you aware that this is a PRIVATE forum that only shares its name with a particular product and the company that makes it? Although Apple probably does know that we exist, we are in no way related to the company, speak on their behalf or are sanctioned by them.

And if some people have the time and inclination to make 4000 posts a year, what's it to you? This isn't just a "tech" forum, but is a social gathering place where smany people come just to spend time to share thoughts and ideas about how to maximize the utility and enjoyment of this wonderful product.

We where talking about apple speculations, why would you think I was referring to this forum when not a single person has over 3000 posts, look at apple discussion forums and see for yourself how some of those power users with 6700 posts in the last 3 years (just noticed one ) and you will notice it's impossible to be online that long and post that much, even with a school of kids taking turns

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF

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