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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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The more time they spend updating forums, people etc, the less time they spend working on the hack, just let them get on with it, and when it is done, everyone will know about it
SweetPoison said:
Ya know. I find this a wee bit rude. Be careful.

Considering they are doing it for free and in their free time, people should be grateful and patient

My response? If you want it quicker, learn to program and hack and do it yourself!
You're a nice guy, blah blah... etc.
But you know.. it's about time to give us an ETA :) Don't you think so?

Ya know. I find this a wee bit rude. Be careful.

Thanks. I'll think twice. Didn't mean to offend bile.

And didn't expect him to answer :) It was more rhetoric question :) Everybody knows that devs won't issue an ETA :(

Bile already explained why he does not give out ETAs, just let it go
From what I've read and seen in the past few weeks, it seems that the iPad 2 JB will be out *MOST LIKELY* (in my opinion) after the release of iOS 5 around June 15th. What do you guys think?

Oh and also, I was reading the post by bile here: State of the Chronic | greenpois0n.com

He stated that there is no reason why they are waiting until the release of iOS 5, what do you guys think about that as well? Does that mean the iPad 2 JB is a bootrom exploit? I doubt it... so what other reasons would it be?
brrip said:
yes it is.

"New iPad games sale! Now at $0.99 for a limited time:
Fast Five the Movie: Official Game HD
Assassin's Creed-Altair's Chronicles HD
Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden HD - Full Version
Fishing Kings HD

never said they were good games, but they ARE having a sale ;)

Oh, cool! I didn't know that. I tried looking but couldn't find any on sale. I guess I was looking at the good ones! 

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