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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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holymasteric said:
Hey guys, another tweet from @veeence...
For those of you who don't know, he's some friend of the dev team members and communicates with them regularly. But i think @musclenerd had told him to stop tweeting wrong updates before, and heres what he tweeted 3 hrs ago:

It'll likely work on the iPad 2G as well, as soon as it gets jailbroken. Rough ETA is about 3 weeks, according to @p0sixninja.

@p0sixninja never said a definite ETA, and definitely never said "3 weeks". So i don't know what to make of this

Don't believe what that guy says.. He is not a reputable source and likes to hype people up by making guesses and by going off rumors.

holymasteric said:
Dear moderator...

Im aware of the previous tweet he tweeted about the the iPad telephone tweak from islamiphone. what makes you think the "3 weeks" ETA is referring to the tweak but not the iPad 2 jb? p0sixninja never mentioned anything about that tweak.

True. I never heard @p0sixninja talking about the tweak. I also think he was referring to the JB.

From what I've read and seen in the past few weeks, it seems that the iPad 2 JB will be out *MOST LIKELY* (in my opinion) after the release of iOS 5 around June 15th. What do you guys think?

Oh and also, I was reading the post by bile here: State of the Chronic | greenpois0n.com

He stated that there is no reason why they are waiting until the release of iOS 5, what do you guys think about that as well? Does that mean the iPad 2 JB is a bootrom exploit? I doubt it... so what other reasons would it be?

Where has this iOS 5 release date of around June 15th come from? You guys realise that Apple will have to beta test this new major OS right? Developers have not even seen it yet. It may well get announced at WWDC, but even apple are calling that a "preview of the future of iOS". It won't be a public release for a while after that IMHO. Autumn I would guess. I could be wrong.

Oh, and the 4.3 exploit is userland (software based) not bootrom. We have always known this since comex first disclosed it. That's why Apple was able to patch it in 4.3.1.

Bile has stated they are not waiting for IOS5 because there would be no point. The exploit is already patched. It is not going to magically open up again. It will only work for folks with 4.3, so there is no advantage holding it back...

Hope that helps.
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From what I've read and seen in the past few weeks, it seems that the iPad 2 JB will be out *MOST LIKELY* (in my opinion) after the release of iOS 5 around June 15th. What do you guys think?

Oh and also, I was reading the post by bile here: State of the Chronic | greenpois0n.com

He stated that there is no reason why they are waiting until the release of iOS 5, what do you guys think about that as well? Does that mean the iPad 2 JB is a bootrom exploit? I doubt it... so what other reasons would it be?

Where has this iOS 5 release date of around June 15th come from? You guys realise that Apple will have to beta test this new major OS right? Developers have not even seen it yet. It may well get announced at WWDC, but even apple are calling that a "preview of the future of iOS". It won't be a public release for a while after that IMHO. Autumn I would guess. I could be wrong.

Oh, and the 4.3 exploit is userland (software based) not bootrom. We have always known this since comex first disclosed it. That's why Apple was able to patch it in 4.3.1.

Bile has stated they are not waiting for IOS5 because there would be no point. The exploit is already patched. It is not going to magically open up again. It will only work for folks with 4.3, so there is no advantage holding it back...

Hope that helps.

I don't think the jailbreak will ONLY work with 4.3..because that would make no sense in releasing something that maybe only 10 percent of iPad 2 owners can even use..I do understand about Apple patching 4.3.1 but how about the latest firmware(4.3.3) is that one patched too?
Lakerfanalways said:
I do understand about Apple patching 4.3.1 but how about the latest firmware(4.3.3) is that one patched too?
From what I understand 4.3.1 was patched to fix the exploit in 4.3 but 4.3.1-4.3.3 have not been patched (from my understanding)
Lakerfanalways said:
I do understand about Apple patching 4.3.1 but how about the latest firmware(4.3.3) is that one patched too?
From what I understand 4.3.1 was patched to fix the exploit in 4.3 but 4.3.1-4.3.3 have not been patched (from my understanding)

If that's the case(and please correct me if Im wrong since I dont really understand this patched business) how come they just don't make a jailbreak for 4.3.3 and let that be the final iPad 2 jailbreak release..why even bother with 4.3..? if they have a working jailbreak for 4.3.3 people who are on 4.3 will upgrade..heck everyone will..why stay on a lower firmware if you can have the latest one and be jailbroken..
Its like my iPod Touch 4th Gen..every time a new firmware comes out, I don't upgrade til a jailbreak is released, once it is I upgrade, I don't stay on the earlier firmware
Lakerfanalways said:
If that's the case(and please correct me if Im wrong since I dont really understand this patched business) how come they just don't make a jailbreak for 4.3.3 and let that be the final iPad 2 jailbreak release..why even bother with 4.3..? if they have a working jailbreak for 4.3.3 people who are on 4.3 will upgrade..heck everyone will..why stay on a lower firmware if you can have the latest one and be jailbroken..
Its like my iPod Touch 4th Gen..every time a new firmware comes out, I don't upgrade til a jailbreak is released, once it is I upgrade, I don't stay on the earlier firmware

I think no vulnerabilities were found since they patched 4.3.1, so that's why they are working on the one found on the firmware 4.3. I might be wrong!
Lakerfanalways said:
If that's the case(and please correct me if Im wrong since I dont really understand this patched business) how come they just don't make a jailbreak for 4.3.3 and let that be the final iPad 2 jailbreak release..why even bother with 4.3..? if they have a working jailbreak for 4.3.3 people who are on 4.3 will upgrade..heck everyone will..why stay on a lower firmware if you can have the latest one and be jailbroken..
Its like my iPod Touch 4th Gen..every time a new firmware comes out, I don't upgrade til a jailbreak is released, once it is I upgrade, I don't stay on the earlier firmware

I think no vulnerabilities were found since they patched 4.3.1, so that's why they are working on the one found on the firmware 4.3. I might be wrong!

Yeah just seems weird to me that they are not just hopping to the most recent firmware..maybe they will release 4.3 jailbreak then jump to 4.3.3..by the time they do that IOS 5 will already be released..The reason why I want the jailbreak to be on 4.3.3 is so I can get the darn iPad 2 already(All of the new ones come with it right out of the box so of course I Can't downgrade) now I know people have told me "Sell your old one and buy the iPad 2 already" I'm no fool, I won't buy something new that might possibly not be jailbreakable til I Know for sure. I want the iPad 2, badly, but not if it can't be jailbroken..so just sitting back waiting for word on what firmwares this upcoming jailbreak will work with..they give the word that it will work with the latest firmware, I will purchase one that day
Lakerfanalways said:
Yeah just seems weird to me that they are not just hopping to the most recent firmware..maybe they will release 4.3 jailbreak then jump to 4.3.3..by the time they do that IOS 5 will already be released..The reason why I want the jailbreak to be on 4.3.3 is so I can get the darn iPad 2 already(All of the new ones come with it right out of the box so of course I Can't downgrade) now I know people have told me "Sell your old one and buy the iPad 2 already" I'm no fool, I won't buy something new that might possibly not be jailbreakable til I Know for sure. I want the iPad 2, badly, but not if it can't be jailbroken..so just sitting back waiting for word on what firmwares this upcoming jailbreak will work with..they give the word that it will work with the latest firmware, I will purchase one that day

I sell u mine with 4.3 for 2000$
jowy520 said:
I think no vulnerabilities were found since they patched 4.3.1, so that's why they are working on the one found on the firmware 4.3. I might be wrong!
I think this is the reason, the exploits that were found in 4.3 have been patched in later iOS versions (4.3.1-4.3.3) and I'm not sure if any exploits have been found for the later versions so thats why the only guarantee is for 4.3 at the moment, I'm sure if exploits were found for 4.3.3 the devs would be working on it, but at this stage only 4.3 has been exploited. I could be wrong.
U know these guys can surprise us all!

It could be their strategy to talk about JB for 4.3 only. If they would talk that they are working on a JB for 4.3.3, Apple would patch that immediately with the release of 4.3.4.


I personally don't believe this is the case. But you'll never know :)
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