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iPadForums.net Upgrade Problems - Issues Thread

Edit: Never mind. My question was answered in another thread.

Out of curiosity, is that because the forum would not accept the ç in your user name, or because you could not type the ç?

On both the Mac and the iPad, a long press of the 'c' letter gives you the option to type "ç, ć, or č. But you probably already knew that.

And, of course, you can always enable and use the Español keyboard.

BTW, your username does not show up with the spanish ç when I see it on the forum.
Hiya too, long time no speak :)
The use of the letter ç in my username was the problem. All now sorted as I have changed it.
Thanks for caring.
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I don't know if this was my internet connection or the forum software: I tried to send a pm a few minutes ago. The first time it was loading slowly and then it didn't show up. So I hit "Post reply" again. Now I see the same message twice.
Hi Johanna, just sent you a pm to see if all ok. It was sent pretty quickly so no problem here with the new forum. Let me know if you receive please. As I say, no issues from my end.
I sent you an answer, without problems now, and it was sent quickly as well. It happened for a second time before I received your pm, though. Still wondering why. o_O
This has happened to me in the past too. Not very, often fortunately, but it did occur on another forum. I just put it down to the Internet gremlins. Don't know what to suggest really. All this IT stuff is too much some times.
We can always remove some of those options to make it a little more simple?
This might be rehashing of something that's already a done deal:

Is it possible to remove the neutral ratings (and the "positive" dislike)? On the iPad, they're close to each other, and I find myself tapping the wrong sign quite a few times, in spite of enlarging them, which means I have to undo the rating and try again.

And I think no one really uses the neutral ratings intentionally.
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There are a few threads I'm watching, but didn't post there so far:

Like this one.
When I open one of those threads and try to unwatch, I can't do it:
How can I post pictures here. I can't post anything with this new upgrade.
This way:
Tap "Upload a file" next to Post Reply:


Select Choose File

Tap "Choose Existing". Select the photo, and then decide whether to show it as full image, like mine, or as thumbnail. Then post reply.
To post a picture, tap on the upload a file button at the bottom of the box where you write the post. In the pop up that appears, tap the choose file button. Next, select whether you want to take a photo with the camera or choose an existing photo in the photo library.

If you choose to use an existing photo you will go to the camear roll where you can select the photo you want to use.

Once your photo or photos are downloaded you can tap on post reply if you want the photis to appear as thumbnails or you can tap the full image button if you want larger images.
Over the last couple of days the site has started jumping up and down a few times before the ads finish loading; as if it can't decide what size the adds are going to be. This is in Safari on the iMac. Doesn't do it on the iPad.

Hard on the eyes.

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