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iPadForums.net Upgrade Problems - Issues Thread

I've also seen this in old posts (before upgrade), which were right before, and now look like this.

What I noticed was that the "old" youtube links in the Music thread are not visible any more, but they must be there, because I saw one of them when I edited one of my own posts. When quoted, they are visible.
Same goes for the Favourite Youtube Videos thread.

Can you send me links to some example threads?
I am confused! More than usual! sorry scifan. JA is right! I thought a rainbow was creative! So that's certainly what I meant!. If I find it I will change it!
As to leelai's question of what I think, I like having a range of things, would like to have all positive except maybe thumbs down ( if necessary ) . I think an ovation would be great for a really GREAT post. A heart seems more than a friendly but that's nit picking, really! When I see a heart I think of love or a hug.
Cheerful could be a good adjective!
Does anyone have this issue. Sometimes when you click on a topic it would be already scrolled down to the bottom forcing you to scroll up each time?
Does anyone have this issue. Sometimes when you click on a topic it would be already scrolled down to the bottom forcing you to scroll up each time?

By default the new software will take you to the last unread post in a thread. Could this be it?
If you want to go to the top of the last page, click/tap on the last page number listed. On the computer, you may not see the page numbers until you mouse over the thread. It usually shows the last three pages.
At the moment it's confusing because of "Thanks received" and "Positive ratings". In a thread, you see the Thanks received, whereas, when you go to your profile page, you see all positive ratings under the avatar. The number is not always the same, because some of us gave Agrees and Winners,..too, because we are able to. It would be easier to show the same number everywhere. Here's mine as an example.
I just noticed that it looks a bit different now. That's better. Thank you for changing it!
Before the upgrade, the software was counting messages (pm), now it's counting conversations, it seems to me. Is there still a limit to pm's or conversations?
The limit was 150 private messages before the upgrade. I couldn't find any information how this works with the new software.

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