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Jailbreak WILL NOT WORK ON IPAD2 at the moment


iPF Noob
Don't try it people..seen too many asking about it. Ipad2 uses different hardware, therefore a new jail brake gonna be needed for it. No matter if iOS 4.3 has a jail brake. That's only for us ipad1 owners. So if u try to use current tools on ur iPad 2 n f$&@ it up, don't say I didn't warn ya..lol
Just be patient, an ipad2 jailbreak coming soon. Already seen a vid. Of one done by Comex but he hasn't released it yet as he is still tweakin it.
Demandarin said:
Don't try it people..seen too many asking about it. Ipad2 uses different hardware, therefore a new jail brake gonna be needed for it. No matter if iOS 4.3 has a jail brake. That's only for us ipad1 owners. So if u try to use current tools on ur iPad 2 n f$&@ it up, don't say I didn't warn ya..lol
Just be patient, an ipad2 jailbreak coming soon. Already seen a vid. Of one done by Comex but he hasn't released it yet as he is still tweakin it.

I think they are out now...
Demandarin said:
Don't try it people..seen too many asking about it. Ipad2 uses different hardware, therefore a new jail brake gonna be needed for it. No matter if iOS 4.3 has a jail brake. That's only for us ipad1 owners. So if u try to use current tools on ur iPad 2 n f$&@ it up, don't say I didn't warn ya..lol
Just be patient, an ipad2 jailbreak coming soon. Already seen a vid. Of one done by Comex but he hasn't released it yet as he is still tweakin it.

I think they are out now...

This stuff always changes so quickly..lol. Also apple plans to release 4.3.1 any day now so people would be stuck again. If I was on 4.3, I'd wait until 4.3.1 is jail broken. Cuz if u jail brake now, then go to 4.3.1 days or weeks later, u back to square one so might as well wait. 4.3.1 update will patch up that 4.3 jail brake along with some other internal iOS tweaks. Apple trying to stay ahead of the game now..lmao
Demandarin said:
This stuff always changes so quickly..lol. Also apple plans to release 4.3.1 any day now so people would be stuck again. If I was on 4.3, I'd wait until 4.3.1 is jail broken. Cuz if u jail brake now, then go to 4.3.1 days or weeks later, u back to square one so might as well wait. 4.3.1 update will patch up that 4.3 jail brake along with some other internal iOS tweaks. Apple trying to stay ahead of the game now..lmao

But we always find a way to jailbreak! But yes, pointless to jailbreak even though I did. Everything works great. Except that it is tethered. I hate how the iPad won't even boot without a computer.
Why is it pointless to jailbreak now? If Apple is just releasing 4.3.1 to plug the hole, then don't update and stay jailbroken. If the update has some other functionality, then you'll have to decide if its worth it to update and lose the JB, but I really doubt that it will be anything special.

Wait, where is the iPad 2 jailbreak? I don't think it is released yet
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SweetPoison said:
Because it is a tethered JB? If it was untethered then it wouldn't need a computer?

Or am I missing this all together?

No, you didn't miss anything. It is tethered. So you need a computer to boot into a jailbroken state. But I think if you install mobilesubstrate then it won't boot at all, it will just sit at the apple logo. Mine would boot after I jailbroke it, even without a computer. So it would boot, but Cydia didn't work, to make Cydia work I had to use a computer to boot it into the jailbroken state. Then I installed mobilesubstrate and it will just sit at the apple logo if I didn't boot it with a computer. Are you jailbroken?
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See, that's what I'm saying. Too much to go thru for tethered method. Untethered requires one time, n ur done. End of story ;-).
So ipad2 jailbreak is released already? Who did it and what's the name of the tools needed to be used? I'm sure new ipad2 owners would love to know.
I don't think SweetPoison has taken the bait yet to jailbreak. But once she does,.....It's aaaaa Wholeeeeee Newwwww worrrrrrld...lmao. Resistance is futile, go against the norm and the grain, Jailbrake! Lol
jlkohel911 said:
I cant wait for Cydia iPad 2 release. Should be soon..

I hope so. I worry that iOS will become so secure that jailbreaks won't be released to the public anymore :(
iPad 2 has been broken by comex and ion1c, but neither have been released yet. The comex jb is a userland like "jailbreak me.com", and ion1c's is a Bootrom. Ive tried using all the exploits / jb tools on my iPad 2 obviously unsuccessfully. It doesn't hurt the ipad2, and it kicks out of dfu mode easily. I've had the iPad and ipad2 since launch, and am DYING for a ipad2 jailbreak!!!
This thread/info needs to rise from the deep!

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!


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SweetPoison said:
Because it is a tethered JB? If it was untethered then it wouldn't need a computer?

Or am I missing this all together?

No, you didn't miss anything. It is tethered. So you need a computer to boot into a jailbroken state. But I think if you install mobilesubstrate then it won't boot at all, it will just sit at the apple logo. Mine would boot after I jailbroke it, even without a computer. So it would boot, but Cydia didn't work, to make Cydia work I had to use a computer to boot it into the jailbroken state. Then I installed mobilesubstrate and it will just sit at the apple logo if I didn't boot it with a computer. Are you jailbroken?

Grayson! Here ya go! You too, Leigh:) You too have taught so many, incl myself!

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