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LEGO Harry Potter game

So I'm at 98% All I need at this point is a card on The Hogwarts Express in year 3 and a hat in The Prefect's Bathroom in year 4.

I already got the card using the slot machine on The Hogwarts Express.

Anybody have any thoughts on where I can find them.

The card you a missing is found just after you wake up Lupin. Go back down the train car and you'll find a floating chest that has it in it.

As for the bathroom, do you remember what ones you have so far?
I know the answer is going to be super easy, but I can't figure this out.

I just finished the part where Oliver Wood asks if I want to join the Quiddich team, then Hermonie says something about the trophy room. I went into the room where Fred and George's shop is. I've been around the room a dozen times, but can't figure out how to continue. Can someone tell me what I need to do?

The trophy room is just the next stage of the game. Go back to the main doors to the game and keep playing.

I went up the stairs and figured how to get back to the flying lesson, so I replayed it but am pretty much back to the same spot. Oliver Wood has asked if I want to be on the Quiddich team. What's the next step? I'm not going back into the trophy/store room, I just don't know where to go next. Any help

is appreciated, thanks! :)

When you are done talking to Wood go out of the grass area to your far left. There is a little part that sticks out more than the rest, that is the part that you walk out of. When you do that it should just finish the level for you, count your studs etc like it does when you finish each level. Then if you continue the story the next level is called the trophy room. Hope that this is more helpful.
Perfects Bathroom

So I'm at 98% All I need at this point is a card on The Hogwarts Express in year 3 and a hat in The Prefect's Bathroom in year 4.

I already got the card using the slot machine on The Hogwarts Express.

Anybody have any thoughts on where I can find them.

The card you a missing is found just after you wake up Lupin. Go back down the train car and you'll find a floating chest that has it in it.

As for the bathroom, do you remember what ones you have so far?

1st hat is True wizard, 2nd hat is after using revealo spell, you climb the rope, 3rd hat is found in the empty tub after lining up the mermaids, 4th hat is in a secret room after using the goblin plinth, 5th hat is found on the stairs AFTER you've lite ALL torches...Hope this helps!
When you are done talking to Wood go out of the grass area to your far left. There is a little part that sticks out more than the rest, that is the part that you walk out of. When you do that it should just finish the level for you, count your studs etc like it does when you finish each level. Then if you continue the story the next level is called the trophy room. Hope that this is more helpful.

My game must have a glitch in it then, because the only place to exit is into the trophy room. There are 3 statues on my far left and that spot in the corner that makes Hedwig's eyes light up and gets me a chocolate frog card, but other than that, nothing else and no place to exit. I guess I'll have to start over again. Has anyone else experienced a bug like this?
When you are done talking to Wood go out of the grass area to your far left. There is a little part that sticks out more than the rest, that is the part that you walk out of. When you do that it should just finish the level for you, count your studs etc like it does when you finish each level. Then if you continue the story the next level is called the trophy room. Hope that this is more helpful.

My game must have a glitch in it then, because the only place to exit is into the trophy room. There are 3 statues on my far left and that spot in the corner that makes Hedwig's eyes light up and gets me a chocolate frog card, but other than that, nothing else and no place to exit. I guess I'll have to start over again. Has anyone else experienced a bug like this?

The exit is below those things, closer to where Wood is standing, in the grass area. It is also where you enter this level. Once you exit there you end that level and the next part of the story puts you in the trophy room with Flitch. I guess if there really isn't anything there then perhaps there is an official place you can find a bug report to the game creators. Would hate to have you pay for a game that is broken.
Flying lesson / trophy room

Are you free play or are you just starting? If you're just starting, you exit this level after talking to Oliver and end up in the trophy room, then go up the stairs and choose the next level which is "trophy room". If you're in free play mode you should be able to complete the level, exit, end up in the trophy room, go up the stairs and choose ANY level you want to replay. They've pretty much cleaned up the glitches...but if you think you do have one you might remove it from your I-Pad and reinstall it. That's pretty drastic, you'll lose all and have to restart the whole game-:( but it will clean up the glitch...;). Hope that helps:o
Thank you both...there was a glitch the first time I played the level. I exited at the right spot the first time, but I was taken to the hourglass room where Fred and George's store is. The only way for me to get out of there was to go up the stairs and through the first door to replay the level. I just did it again and exited to the right spot, and now I'm in the room with Filtch. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!
i am doing Year 4 "First Task", running on the roof, chased by the dragon. I got to part blocked by fire. I think I need to brew the potion, but I couldn't seem to find the 2nd ingredient (I have the mushroom and cubes). Help!
Hi, I have two problems in the game.

1) what do the red brick abilities super stun, fast spell and one shot do? I've purchase them at the shop in the room of requirement and I notice no difference when I'm replaying the free levels.

2) I can't seem to find the second wizard card in the year 1 toilet troll level. Someone help please. Its driving me crazy replaying that level over and over again!

Year 2 revealo classroom

I am stuck learning the revealo spell.
I can trace the green eye shape and the desk in front of me lights up.
But no matter how fast or slow I rub the desk nothing happens... I've tried little circles, big circles, figure 8s, sideways figure 8s, up and down, side to side... But nothing happens.
I looked at the DS walkthrough, and it just says to tap and wiggle... This can't be this difficult? - What am I doing wrong?
About the revelio spell, when the spot light appears, you just need to "tap and wiggle" it, and a barrel will appear. Crack it open to get the object in it. That worked for me, no idea why it didn't for you. :)
About the revelio spell, when the spot light appears, you just need to "tap and wiggle" it, and a barrel will appear. Crack it open to get the object in it. That worked for me, no idea why it didn't for you. :)

Thanks. I was hoping that it was me, and not a glitch, but it looks like that is wishful thinking...

I deleted, re-installed and restarted the game. Got to the same place, and got the same glitch.
...then discovered that the ap support button in the App Store takes you to a site that requires flash.
Also re: revelio Be sure you're rubbing the base of the spotlight, where it shines broadest not just anywhere in the stream.
I am stuck learning the revealo spell.
I can trace the green eye shape and the desk in front of me lights up.
But no matter how fast or slow I rub the desk nothing happens... I've tried little circles, big circles, figure 8s, sideways figure 8s, up and down, side to side... But nothing happens.
I looked at the DS walkthrough, and it just says to tap and wiggle... This can't be this difficult? - What am I doing wrong?

Latest patch fixed it!

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