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Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 HELP

Missing Golden Hats in Year 7???

I have finished the game...twice and once I completed both year 7 part 1 and 2, it says that I have achieved 4/5 Hats. Once I click on the Chapters it says are missing a golden hat, it says that I have achieved 4/4 hats. I'm so confused?! Where am I supposed to get this magical 5th hat from?! Btw this happens on year 7 part 1 chapter 2, year 7 part 2 chapter 1, 2, and 3. Also on year 7 part 2 chapter 4 I am missing a character icon, it is doing the same thing where it reads 4/5. Someone please help!
I have finished the game...twice and once I completed both year 7 part 1 and 2, it says that I have achieved 4/5 Hats. Once I click on the Chapters it says are missing a golden hat, it says that I have achieved 4/4 hats. I'm so confused?! Where am I supposed to get this magical 5th hat from?! Btw this happens on year 7 part 1 chapter 2, year 7 part 2 chapter 1, 2, and 3. Also on year 7 part 2 chapter 4 I am missing a character icon, it is doing the same thing where it reads 4/5. Someone please help!

Deep breathe and write out specifically what you are missing.
I have 'completed' the game as well but the only chapter I have a 'missing hat' is in the final chapter, which I call 8-4. (Book 7 part 1 & part 2 just get confusing to me. In all my notes book 7 part 2 will simply listed as 8.)
First thing to remember when you look at the chapter is how they break down. With the hats there is one hat given for True Wizard then however many hats are in each chapter.
7- 2 Forest of Dean Lake- that are 4 hats, 1 brick & 5 characters
7- 2 Malfoy Manor - Nothing

So 7-2 Forest of Dean - 4 hats
Regular play
1) in the water near the large crab
2) In the forest- lead the fire crab to the embers on the right side. It will ignite the embers which will melt the ice around the hat next to it.
Free play
3) In the water- Dark Magic on lock of container to the left after you crash through the 1st layer of ice
4) In the forest- use Hermione's bad to get the mushrooms, to bounce to the upper ledge. Use a strong person to open the tree and the cat to walk up the tube to get the hat on the upper limb.
* "5th hat" is from True Wizard

8-1 Hats
Regular play
1) Deluminator to move the light from the goblin vault to the high cup holder. Jump to the platform.
2) Not entirely sure if this is one or both but In hogsmeade destroy all the Harry posters / message boards.
Free Play
3) In Dragon room- Dark Magic on red objects. Levitate them into place. WW sticky wall at the top
4) In the vault- Strong person on back door
* "5th hat" is from True Wizard

8-2 hats
Regular play
1) In the chamber- Spectorspecks, redact
2) In the chamber - Purple spell each set of snakes teeth to lengthen them
Free play
3) In the fire room saving draco- the first place you can stop after you have grabbed the broom. Destroy everything you can. A hat will be in one of them
4) In the fire room saving draco- There is a vault at one of the places to stop the broom. Use a goblin.
* "5th hat" is from True Wizard

8-3 hats
Regular play
1) Apparation point- Apparate hat is right there
2) Boat House- Fill the water machine on the right...spits out a hat
Free play
3) Courtyard- Put out all the fires
4) Courtyard- use Hermione's bag to put out a fire (I think.)
* "5th hat" is from True Wizard

8-4 People
Bella, James Potter, Lily Potter, Molly and Voldemort.
Which person are you missing?

That was my quick version. Let me know what specifics you need from here.
JOY88 said:
Has anyone finished the game completely?

I have gotten everything that gave me trouble until the very end.
There is one stupid hat in the final chapter (what I call 8-4). I have one from getting true wizard. One from the vine courtyard where you can walk over with lumos and get it.
I even have the one you get by blowing up the wall, moving the light fixture and taking a deluminated ball of light to its new location, thus the vines drop the hat.
There is a fourth hat and I cannot figure out where it is. Anyone able to help?

Also, what to do you have to do to get the eight locked characters at the end. Do you have to finish everything at 100%? Do you have to buy the mini-game for dueling? Is there a skull you have to blow up that I haven't found.

I am frustrated that I am this close to the end but I still can't find the one hat and these eight people.
(I'm a bit OCD so I have a spreadsheet of where every person, hat, and red brick is located and how to get them. That is how I know I am missing something here. It also means if any of the rest of you are stuck on any of those things, I can look it up.)

Please - someone help me with these last few things. Its driving me nuts.

I'm not sure what this level is called (I think it's final battlements or something :S) but I screen capped just after I found the "8 characters unlocked" button. Where my character is standing there were some piles of rubble and a small white pile of what looked liked bones. The bones left behind the button. Hope this helps a little.

EDIT: the next 'level' Is hog warts gatehouse


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This gave me huge problems too. I tried a variety of people too. Peeves & the first brother do great running jumps to get you to the highest shelf before you have to jump across to try to get to the shelf of Trewlaney's character token. The only characters I have been able to make that jump without a run are Fred/George. Don't know why but they are who I ended up getting over to the shelf.

I will also tell you that in 6-4 in Free play, there is a gate that can only be opened by Dark Magic. The only person that I could make the jump over the pit to that character is Hagrid.

Hope that helps.

Thanks a million Joy88, I will try that! I keep thinking I am too old for the controls:) Also many thanks for the Hagrid hint!
Hallie Potter said:
Hey guys (: at Gringotts - what do I do after breaking that one chain by turning lights off and on? Nothing changes when I do so?

Have you broken the chain on the other side?
I am in year five and I am in the scene where I am in the forest trying to lead Umbridge in to the trap. I found this plant/flower thing I can bounce on. I bounce high but then when I try to jump from it I just fall off. What do I do?

This is what I'm stuck on too, anyone out there know what to do?!
HI, I'm stuck on year 5 where you have to lead umbridge to grawp. I basically can't jump up on to the ledge, on that flower that 'bounces' you up?
and how do i do the aquamenti spell to grow that other flower?


Has anyone finished the game completely?

I have gotten everything that gave me trouble until the very end.
There is one stupid hat in the final chapter (what I call 8-4). I have one from getting true wizard. One from the vine courtyard where you can walk over with lumos and get it.
I even have the one you get by blowing up the wall, moving the light fixture and taking a deluminated ball of light to its new location, thus the vines drop the hat.
There is a fourth hat and I cannot figure out where it is. Anyone able to help?

Also, what to do you have to do to get the eight locked characters at the end. Do you have to finish everything at 100%? Do you have to buy the mini-game for dueling? Is there a skull you have to blow up that I haven't found.

I am frustrated that I am this close to the end but I still can't find the one hat and these eight people.
(I'm a bit OCD so I have a spreadsheet of where every person, hat, and red brick is located and how to get them. That is how I know I am missing something here. It also means if any of the rest of you are stuck on any of those things, I can look it up.)

Please - someone help me with these last few things. Its driving me nuts.

You need to shoot a death eater in the circle of gold stud to get the last hat. I'm stillworking on the last charatures not sure how you unlock them. I'm at 100% but they aren't available to buy.
Hi! I'm going crazy trying to duel Voldemort in the final level. I'm hoping someone can give me some tips. When he casts the spell at Harry (with the glowing ball in the center), I tap and tap like mad, but I ALWAYS lose. I don't know if the screen isn't registering my taps, or if I'm tapping in the wrong place, or what...

Please help!

Thank you!

1) Fighting Voldemort is an exercise in futility most of the time.
2) Best way to complete the level is to cheat. (Gain all the money you need and get the Invincibility brick.)
3) The invincibility will not help you in the specific duels but it will stop you from dying constantly in between

What are you using - iPad or iPhone?
Ipad- don't hit the middle, actually hit Voldemort. Yes you will tap forever but if you stay in the same spot and tap Voldemort himself over and over eventually it will knock off hears slowly but surely.
Don't switch sides hitting Voldemort. That is the easiest way for him to get the upper hand. If you switch from right to left, the beat of time it takes will alway Voldemort to start getting a volley off at you.
I will say though that you have to beat Voldemort to move on. The game 'knows' this. I found if Voldemort beat me once, the next duel was easier to win.
If you have an iPad I will just say the easiest hand position to duel in, (just my opinion) is to curl your four fingers over the top of the screen and tap with your thumb from above. I find it much easier to tap fast and repetitively.

Hope this helps
You need to shoot a death eater in the circle of gold stud to get the last hat. I'm stillworking on the last charatures not sure how you unlock them. I'm at 100% but they aren't available to buy.

Thanks for the death eater recommendation. I did it accidentally and couldn't figure out why I got the hat there and not somewhere else.

Found the last people. You do have to buy the mini game (Dueling club).
Its broken down into categories- Students, Locked, Dumbledore's Army, Locked, Order of the Phoenix, Locked, Death Eaters, Locked.
So far I have beaten all the students which gives you Cedric and opens 'Open Category'. Beat open category and you get Gregorivich.
Beat Dumbledore's army you get 'Harry Potter - school uniform' and open Hogwarts staff. Beat Hogwarts staff and you get Professor Snape.

Based on the wii character list I think if you beat Order of the Phoenix you will get Kingsley Shaklebolt or Mad Eye. Mad Eye might fall under Death Eaters...who knows.
I have no idea what the other two locked categories are and there are no other characters that line up right with where the locked characters appear in the list based on the wii list of characters. There is a character missing between Ginny and Gordon & also between Voldemort and Xeno Lovegood.

When I beat them all I'll let you know.
I am still struggling with the kitchen at Grimmauld Place. I blasted everything. I imperiused Kreacher.
The oven door needs super-strength to open. Neither Harry, Ron, or Hermione have that.
Kreacher doesn't seem to affect anything.
I am playing on an iPhone, but I assume the buttons are the same.

How do I get out of the kitchen?
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