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List Your Two Most Favorite Apps for iPad2 (one Free + one Paid)

I am fairly new but here are my two.

Free: dragon (that app is seriously accurate!

Thanks ... I downloaded it. At first, the accuracy was around 20% and then I connected a headset to the 3.5mm jack. Through the headset microphone the accuracy jumped to 95% ! thanks !
PAID: River of News (RSS reader)


[Who has just noticed that most of her favorite apps are paid ones. A good thing (means I didn't waste my money), but still ... can you say appaholic? :D]

How does "River of News" compare to "Zite" (free). Zite is really cool. Let me know. Easier for you to compare since you have the paid program already :)
Vulcan said:
List Your Two Most Favorite Apps (one Free + one Paid). Please refrain from listing more than two. One each from the "Free" and "Paid" categories.

Newbie here

Free Zite
Paid Words with friends
There's no way I can choose one of each!

Free: Dropbox and Wunderlist (because I can sync across my iPad 2, iPhone and desktop)
Paid: iThoughtsHD and Note Taker HD (because I'm redesigning a database and website for work; these are great for organizing everything and marking up the current webpages)

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