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List Your Two Most Favorite Apps for iPad2 (one Free + one Paid)

Free - Wunderlist. Allows me to keep track of my to do list between my iPad and my Android phone

Paid - Track and Share. Helps me monitor things like my mood, weight, migraines, back pain and daily goals.

Sent from my 32 GB wifi Ipad 2
I have to say that my favorite freeware "Zite" is too hot to handle. After a few days of "thumbs up" ... all the news ends up piquing my interest. I am suffering from Zite-Addiction ! No time to do anything else.
Live TV: SlingMobile Pro HD & Vulkano Platinum.

First two things I installed in my new Ipad 2. If these apps didn't work, I would have returned the ipad immediatelly.

FREE: Zite

IN BETWEEN: BibleReader from Olive Tree ... ( Probably one of the most sophisticated Bible Study Apps I've seen ... reader and default translations are free, option to collect tons of free materials, and option to buy favorite translations ... custom rendered Hebrew and Greek, and morphology is intuitive and incredible ). Sorry, back to the list.

PAID: iFiles
Bought: Bulls i 3d Darts..Brilliant game if you love darts, Takes getting used too throwing the darts but once you get the hang of it, it's so addictive.

Free: Friendly Facebook I suppose, :)

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