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Name a Pet Peeve!

A little bit of a rant....

I'm sure I'll get slammed since this is the photo section of an iPad forum but.....

Attended two graduation ceremonies last weekend for my granddaughter, High School and Tech/Vocational.

At both there were multiple people taking photos with iPads. Sadly they also seemed to be the folks that shoved in front of other people and almost always held the iPad up in the air over their heads blocking the people behind them.

And FYI both were indoor events shooting at a fair distance from the stage.

To give you an idea I was using a Nikon with a 10X zoom racked all the way out.

Anyone in need of a few out of focus shots of an iPad held at arms length up in the air? :eek:

Told the better half I'm using my 15" laptop next time and will play the same game. :p

Sorry for the rant and I know it's really a people issue but....
I'm sure I'll get slammed since this is the photo section of an iPad forum but..... Attended two graduation ceremonies last weekend for my granddaughter, High School and Tech/Vocational. At both there were multiple people taking photos with iPads. Sadly they also seemed to be the folks that shoved in front of other people and almost always held the iPad up in the air over their heads blocking the people behind them. And FYI both were indoor events shooting at a fair distance from the stage. To give you an idea I was using a Nikon with a 10X zoom racked all the way out. Anyone in need of a few out of focus shots of an iPad held at arms length up in the air? :eek: Told the better half I'm using my 15" laptop next time and will play the same game. :p Sorry for the rant and I know it's really a people issue but....

There's nothing wrong with a bit of a rant, sometimes we just need to vent and you'll find a few of us have in this thread where I've moved your post.....it fits in so well! ;)

It must have been very annoying having an iPad held in front of you when trying to take a shot! I'm seeing more and more people taking photos with them....just seems so silly but I guess they don't have a camera.

And if only you could!.....raise your laptop in front of them.....I'd love to see their faces! But you know, they just might not get it! ;)

Congratulations also to your granddaughter!! You must be very proud of her!
Pet peeve : people who couldn't care less about the little people ,

Those with so much money they stink of it yet look down their noses at those of a lesser standing .

Really winds me up .

Sent from my awesome iPhone 5S 64gb Gold using ipf
How do you know what they are thinking? There is an old saying that goes like this: "You wouldn't worry so much about what other people think of you if you knew how seldom they do! " As a matter of fact the best way to make yourself feel bad is to begin comparing yourself to others! I know a LOT of rich people whose lives are empty of loving friendships because they are so concerned about losing their money. My brother once told a friend of mine, " Diane could live in a cardboard box happily if she is doing what she loves." That is a fact! :);). :);)

:) Peace begins with a smile :)
- Mother Teresa.
iPad 2
This is true :-) & apologies for my initial rant !

"Sometimes you don't have to know what someone's thinking, if their body language does all the talking!"

Some people I know are driven and focused by greed & that can cost people more than money .

Yes I agree I may not know what they're thinking , but their actions say a thousand words .


Sent from my awesome iPhone 5S 64gb Gold using ipf
True. Perception IS reality. If you look for the bad in people you will surely find it. It sounds to me as though your pet peeve is you want to have more money than YOU do, not what others have?

:) Peace begins with a smile :)
- Mother Teresa.
iPad 2
True. Perception IS reality. If you look for the bad in people you will surely find it. It sounds to me as though your pet peeve is you want to have more money than YOU do, not what others have? :) Peace begins with a smile :) - Mother Teresa. iPad 2

No , because money doesn't bring happiness , I just find those that have too much of it arn't happy and thus envious of people who have better things to value , yet they look down at us ???? Why ???

Sent from my awesome iPhone 5S 64gb Gold using ipf
When people have too much money it can ruin them , yet they don't realise the fortunate position they hold , they could probably buy anything and everything , but still look down at us with disdain , it's like they'd rather have nothing just to be accepted as normal ??? So why have so much if they can't get what they really want in life with it ????

Sent from my awesome iPhone 5S 64gb Gold using ipf
There is a movie based on a play called " You Can't Take It With You " ! Please try to see the one in black and white, or read the play! It is VERY fitting for this topic! MONEY! The root of all evil!

:) Peace begins with a smile :)
- Mother Teresa.
iPad 2
There is a movie based on a play called " You Can't Take It With You " ! Please try to see the one in black and white, or read the play! It is VERY fitting for this topic! MONEY! The root of all evil! :) Peace begins with a smile :) - Mother Teresa. iPad 2

I agree with you 100% :-)

Sent from my awesome iPhone 5S 64gb Gold using ipf
No but your mention of it being the root of all evil is agreeable ! I'll google it and try and get a copy

Sent from my awesome iPhone 5S 64gb Gold using ipf
My favorite line of the play is this one : " How many of us, when we were young, would settle for what we eventually get." That gives you a good idea of how great this play is. The version with James Stewart is the BEST one!

:) Peace begins with a smile :)
- Mother Teresa.
iPad 2

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