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New iPad 3 returned - Dead pixels on screen.

Lol...6 returns, that does suck dude! Yeah, the irony here is that the iPad 2 I sold was only a few months old and it was absolutely PERFECT. The only reason I upgraded to the new one was the retina display. I'm just wondering if there is actually such a thing as a retina display without defects, perhaps my near-field vision is too good...lol I can see the dead pixels whilst holding the iPad a full arms length, perhaps my real destiny was to become an Apple QC guy!?

The only thing I can definately say is that Apple have been VERY supportive about the replacements and are obviously doing everything they can to get me a good one, so fair play!

I'm not sure what I'll do if the 3rd one is delivered and it has dead pixels though - I guess I could just keep getting replacements until either I get a good one or the iPad 4th Gen comes out, whichever comes first...hehe! :thumbs:
Well, dead Pixels would be a deal breaker for me. If it makes you feel optimistic, I don't have any and I have run a number of tests to find them. I also don't have any user viable light bleed. Believe me, if it had defects I would be the first in line to replace. So glad I don't have that nightmare. My accessories on the other hand... ;-)
DanBarraclough04 said:
I am definitely tempted to replace it, just not sure if I'm just being picky. Let you guys know what apple says when I take it in!


You really should return it. It would irritate me if I had dead pixels or anything less than what I have experienced with the two previous iPad generations. I had a light pattern problem with the new iPad, after two days of living with it I decided it was too expensive to have this iPad with a problem. I returned it and got a replacement. The replacement was and is perfect. Your experience might be different but I think it is worth the effort.
Just received an email from Apple to say that my second replacement iPad is being shipped in 1-3 days priority post. I want to believe this will be 'the one' with zero dead pixels, but for obvious reasons I'm not feeling confident. I hope I get a pleasant surprise. Buying a new product shouldn't feel like it's a lottery right? I've been using the first one I got on launch day whilst I'm waiting on a good replacement and I've got to say I'm really happy with it in every other way. Fingers crossed! :confused:
Woohoo! Just got an SMS from Apple Store saying that my replacement ipad 3 will be delivered tomorrow! This will be my 3rd attempt at finding a pixel perfect display! Even though I've still got the other 2 ipads sitting here to be returned and I have been playing with them non-stop; I'm still excited to receive the new one and really hope this one will pass my 'lazer vision' test ;) - Please let this be the one, please!
Hey guys,

Just got a replacement 64gb 4G arranged through Apple.

After setting it all up last night, I noticed at least 3 dead pixels on my screen.

Only noticed them due to being in Sketchbook, where the screen is bright white.

Thought at first they were just dust and tried to wipe it off, no deal, definately pixels.

Admittedly, they are very small and you have to look for them, however, now that I know they're there, my eyes just keep going to them.

I was a bit worried that this would affect my resale value and so took steps to get a replacement.

In fairness, Apple were brilliant and apologetic, replacement organised without any issues.

Just curious if anyone else has had this issue with their new retina display?

We'll see what the new replacement looks like when it arrives.


Picked my first one up on day one, got it set up, went to browser and noticed some, so I loaded a blank page and counted 11 dead pixels AND a piece of dust under the glass. Went back and got it swapped out quickly and have had no problems yet :)
Good luck!

Thank you sir! Yeah I'm really loving this new iPad; the text on web sites and documents is just SO clear - I'm definately feeling a lot less eye-strain on this display when reading for long periods - fingers crossed for tomorrow. If this one has dead pixels; you'll simply hear a single gun shot and this thread will slip quietly off the front page....lol If it's a good one, I'll be singing Apple's praises at full voice (as I normally do!) :thumbs:
Yeah! feel your pain - Although, at least you got it swapped out in-store quickly for a good one. I ordered my one online from Apple Store as I don't have a local store. It's been like a postal lottery waiting for each new unit to be delivered. So we'll see what tomorrow brings huh? :)
OK - this is my final post on this thread - 3rd replacement ipad delivered & tested - DEAD PIXELS!!! - gutted, and completely finished with iPad I'm afraid. Hope you guys enjoy your perfect displays, but I can't find one without dead pixels after 3 tries! So not going to waste any more time - so SO DISAPPOINTED!!!
Hi, just got my new iPad last weekend. Noted 4 dead pixels clustered together at the bottom left corner of the screen and had the unit replaced the next day....mine was a 64gb 4g

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