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new Ipad user, already hating Apple

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sgtcasey said:
My understanding on the refund is that the app developer still pays Apple their cut of each sale whether it is refunded or not. Just something I read months ago.

That is correct.

Apple gets paid either way. It is the developer who has to pay Apple in case of a refund.
I agree with the OP sort of. There's really no upside to having such a closed OS, for me anyway. I don't see how it makes things harder to learn for someone if there is an extra keyboard like Swype available. If it works out of the box, then great. Same with Flash. If people didn't install these things, then it would be as functional as it is now.
Hasty said:
I love the closed nature of iOS.
I'm sick to death running free tech help for family and friend's computers. The iPad just works.

No more tarballs, repositories, virus checkers, malware scanners etc..
Instant on/off and it just does what I want with great portability and long battery life.
People get so frustrated when it doesn't work it the way they expect computers should.
We're moving on.

In a nutshell...YEAH.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
madhatter61 said:
I guess it is different strokes for different folks. On the basis of this post I went after Perfect browser. After two days, I just wasted my money IMO. I much prefer Safari... Of course I have been using Safari on my Mac Mini I have Google on my PC's. I build em also. But, I've built my last PC. I could care less about customization that so many Geeky folks think is important. With my focus on Mac ... and it does take a bit of time ... I don't deal with virus at all ... I am careful where I go on PC's. Everything is just seamless and EZ with Mac stuff. That is why we went with iPad. Best of luck ... hope your rants don't affect your health.


I was LMAO also but for a different reason. How anyone could try any alternative browser and then claim they "much prefer safari" is beyond me.(I'm rather skeptical of that statement myself)

madhatter61 said:
I guess it is different strokes for different folks. On the basis of this post I went after Perfect browser. After two days, I just wasted my money IMO. I much prefer Safari... Of course I have been using Safari on my Mac Mini I have Google on my PC's. I build em also. But, I've built my last PC. I could care less about customization that so many Geeky folks think is important. With my focus on Mac ... and it does take a bit of time ... I don't deal with virus at all ... I am careful where I go on PC's. Everything is just seamless and EZ with Mac stuff. That is why we went with iPad. Best of luck ... hope your rants don't affect your health.


I was LMAO also but for a different reason. How anyone could try any alternative browser and then claim they "much prefer safari" is beyond me.(I'm rather skeptical of that statement myself)


Why would you even care which browser/apps another person prefers to use on his/her own iPad?

I was LMAO also but for a different reason. How anyone could try any alternative browser and then claim they "much prefer safari" is beyond me.(I'm rather skeptical of that statement myself)


Why would you even care which browser/apps another person prefers to use on his/her own iPad?

Better yet, why would you openly ridicule them for their personal preferences?
Seems if not the OP's way, it's the highway.:rolleyes:
By the booming sales there is a market for the closed system. More people than not want to turn on their device and it just buzzes along, no customizing this or that and iOS is geared toward them.
My only gripe with that is no Flash. Before y'all start throwing bombs read me out first. The average consumer wants their device to function without any hassle and iOS fits that need to a T. when they try to use a site with Flash a hassle ensues. Now I know we forum surfers have figured out a lot of ways around that but the average soccer mom/dad doesn't want to figure anything out, just go and do what they need/want to do. Flash sucks, but just like fossil fuels, it is a necessary for now. the average Windows user will be totally lost (y'all IT folks should be able to attest to this) if they can't access the spam advertisement video on the website because it doesn't support Flash, just like anything else they click a button or mouse for and nothing happens or they get an error. Since getting my iPad I've seen about a 80-90% increase in websites that do work on Safari or Perfect browsers but I've also got to use some that I doubt will change anytime soon because Flash was such an was an easy cheat to real development and they used it for that reason.
Apple has a true following because of ease of use. If you don't believe me I've got 1 word to prove it. Iphone

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Mountainbikermark said:
By the booming sales there is a market for the closed system. More people than not want to turn on their device and it just buzzes along, no customizing this or that and iOS is geared toward them.
My only gripe with that is no Flash.

Agreed on almost all counts (I don't encounter many sites that need Flash but others obviously do.) OTOH, the troubles that others are having getting Flash working and stable on tablets attests to the reasons Apple claims they didn't go there - it's a crash prone resource hog. If Steve & co. could give us a $500 tablet w/ 10 hours battery life, stability and the speed of an iPad along with Flash without spending years getting it right I'd say bring on the Flash. The problems others are having suggests that's not feasible just yet so I'm fine with their tradeoff - leave the segment of the market that absolutely has to have Flash to others and use their influence (20,000,000 iPads + iPhones + iPod Touches amounts to some serious influence) to convince people to move their websites to newer tech. Heck, it should even help provide jobs for website designers - as long as they're willing to forgo Flash :)
Blueface said:
I thought I had read recently something was finally worked out with Flash and should be in a future update?

There is much talk, when the day is long.

Flash isn't hitting iOS anytime soon. Officially it will come never.
I was LMAO also but for a different reason. How anyone could try any alternative browser and then claim they "much prefer safari" is beyond me.(I'm rather skeptical of that statement myself)


I have tried Chrome, Firefox, and others. I use IE8 daily. When I put XP on my MBP, I tried the Windows version of Safari. It was OK, but I went back to IE. Safari is my favorite browser, but not every feature is perfect. I have seen features I liked in every browser, but all of us have different tastes, hence the different options.
Hasty said:
I love the closed nature of iOS.
I'm sick to death running free tech help for family and friend's computers. The iPad just works.

No more tarballs, repositories, virus checkers, malware scanners etc..
Instant on/off and it just does what I want with great portability and long battery life.
People get so frustrated when it doesn't work it the way they expect computers should.
We're moving on.

Couldn't have said this better myself. I've had my first-gen iPad for about two weeks
now and I really like it. I'm finding it's kind of nice to be able to use a simple computer without
having to fark around with filesystems, etc., etc., to get anything done. For casual
surfing and other lighter computing tasks, the iPad is well nigh perfect. It's got your
average netbook beat by a long shot. And my iPad boots up in about 25
seconds, with all apps and connectivity immediately available, unlike my desktop
PC, which takes about a minute and is still not fully ready because of all the other crud
running in the background.

I held off on buying an iPad because I had objections about the closed
software ecosystem. And then one day, I realized why Apple had closed it off:
to keep the garbage out, and maximize the quality of the user experience.
Once I made that realization, and saw what the iPad could really do (initially, I saw it
as little more than an overgrown iPod Touch), I relented and bought one.
Exocet, i am glad you mention the term overgrown ipad touch thats been used to describe the ipad. Now let me say i have both the touch and ipad and that statement is simply wrong, ipad is more than that, the experience is so different. But then again haters will always be haters, these narrow minded people need a jailbreak for their lives and see the bigger picture. Glad you coverted and enjoying the ipad for what it is

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2
Good karma said:
Exocet, i am glad you mention the term overgrown ipad touch thats been used to describe the ipad. Now let me say i have both the touch and ipad and that statement is simply wrong, ipad is more than that, the experience is so different. But then again haters will always be haters, these narrow minded people need a jailbreak for their lives and see the bigger picture. Glad you coverted and enjoying the ipad for what it is

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2

I agree. I've had a Touch for several years, a long long time Win PC person. I realized I would use and enjoy the Ipad from using the Touch but because of size never utilized it as I do the Ipad. I bought my Ipad a year ago and find more things to use it for continually. A new app, Photosmith (not quite ready for primetime for me but surely promising) that syncs with Adobe Lightroom, is a new promising helpful app for me, just introduced this week. I would never EVER consider it for the Touch. I won't read PDFs or books or newspapers, except for short periods of time (I did with the Touch prior to the Ipad but my eyes tired and I didn't stick with it for long lengths of time). I don't like to work on docs, look at photos, read my photo forums and interact with my Ipad. My Ipad is NOT a big Touch LOL.
I completely agree with the OP. It's too damn moron proof. As soon as the dev support on android matches iOS, I'm out. I only have an iPad for the games and some apps.
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