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new Ipad user, already hating Apple

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Trumpet444 said:
I completely agree with the OP. It's too damn moron proof. As soon as the dev support on android matches iOS, I'm out. I only have an iPad for the games and some apps.

Good Luck

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Diane B said:
I agree. I've had a Touch for several years, a long long time Win PC person. I realized I would use and enjoy the Ipad from using the Touch but because of size never utilized it as I do the Ipad. I bought my Ipad a year ago and find more things to use it for continually. A new app, Photosmith (not quite ready for primetime for me but surely promising) that syncs with Adobe Lightroom, is a new promising helpful app for me, just introduced this week. I would never EVER consider it for the Touch. I won't read PDFs or books or newspapers, except for short periods of time (I did with the Touch prior to the Ipad but my eyes tired and I didn't stick with it for long lengths of time). I don't like to work on docs, look at photos, read my photo forums and interact with my Ipad. My Ipad is NOT a big Touch LOL.

Very well said about the ibook, newspaper and pdf experience difference between the ipad and itouch. May i add one more thing which is the battery life, on the ipad it last ages compared to the touch which needs to be charged lets say afetr watching the bbc iplayer for and hour.

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2

In a way it is like being indoors with only synthetic light. It works, but can't quite replace the freedom/sunlight.

True. I have yet to really explore my freedom and sunlight.:D

Indoors it doesn't rain, outdoors it sometimes p.....s down, and there's thunder and lightening and all sorts of bad stuff. Give me the synthetic light any day...


I'm starting to understand where the term "Apple sheep" came from.
No disrespect to you intended.
The more I read the "I don't want to think, just want to do" responses then more I understand the origin of the term. I mean no disrespect to anyone by stating that.
I'm kinda glad my Ipad doesn't support Flash so I can spend time thinking of how to make a work around, customize my Ipad to me.

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Whilst I appreciate that everyone has a right to their opinion, I love the iPad user experience. As has been said, it just works, unless one particularly enjoys faffing around.
Me, I just want something I can pick up and enjoy!
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Nickso said:
Dang, this thread calmed down before I could pop in my 1 cent.

It was going to be something like "Can't we just all get along........" :-)

My story, hard core Windows user at home and senior IT / SME at work on Windows servers. Never thought I would EVER own an Apple device, then I purchased an iPhone. Worked great and loved it, now I have my iPad 3 and my family and I think it is amazing.

That being said, I don't think I'll ever own an Apple PC, I'm deeply rooted in Windows.

I think there is enough room in this world for both.

Sent from my iPad 3 using iPF

You have an iPad 3.......when did you get that?

The Archangel
To a point I have to agree with you, I myself hate the locked down characteristics of the iPad also. But this is the way Apple and Steve Jobs have decided things in IOSworld are going to work, I knew this, and accepted it when I bought it.

I've grown up with computers, from the Sinclair Spectrum to PC's, and from that perspective easy to use would not be my first description of the IOS, file handling and the need to use the curse that is iTunes is proof of that. The UI on IOS devices is next to none and the fact that other tablet/hand held devices attempt to emulate it proves that.

The need to use this app and that app in order to carry out some basic tasks though suggests to me that Apple intentionally make things difficult in order to force people into purchasing apps or additional hardware, thereby generating profit. Those Apple centric people will surely disagree with me but my opinion is my opinion.

Because people buy it in the millions doesn't mean its better though, anyone who remembers the Betamax verses VHS video tape standards war has to admit VHS was the better standard, although I guess some people are still arguing that point.

I agree with you in terms of leaving out some basic functionality within the OS so devs and Apple have a chance to profit from the app store. I come from the world of webOS and sorely miss the ease of multitasking using card metaphors and stacks, drop and drag mass storage, non obtrusive notifications, off screen one finger gestures and universal search (Just Type) with built in cloud synergy. The only reason I bring this up is that I bought the iPad 2 knowing what my limitations were, to gain the access of an incredible application development. As many have already mentioned, research and educate yourself on products before purchase. App development for iOS is untouched. Apple’s products are beautiful and made to last for years. They are one of the only manufactures to be able to keep their retail prices down due to the extremely high demand of their products.

The beauty of technology these days is the constant fight for market domination. This creates great competition and more choices for consumers in the end. Choose what's best for your needs and be thankful you have so many choices. I have a PC, iMac, Palm pre and iPad2, this Summer HP Touchpad :). That pretty much covers my needs for now J
I totally feel this guy's frustration with the extremely limiting ways of Apple. I mean, a stock Android device has sooo much more freedom than even a jailbroken iPad.

That said, yes, Apple is a control freak that frowns on individualism and personal freedom... but all that aside, I find it frustrating how the Apple fanboy users all accept this and defend it, like little slave lemmings that defend their lack of freedom, as if it's best that way. Kind of a creepy brainwash mindset.
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ipadzombie said:
I totally feel this guy's frustration with the extremely limiting ways of Apple. I mean, a stock Android device has sooo much more freedom than even a jailbroken iPad.

That said, yes, Apple is a control freak that frowns on individualism and personal freedom... but all that aside, I find it frustrating how the Apple fanboy users all accept this and defend it, like little slave lemmings that defend their lack of freedom, as if it's best that way. Kind of a creepy brainwash mindset.

Oh man, you make me laugh so hard.

Reading your comment and than the user name afterwards :D :P
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
Oh man, you make me laugh so hard.

Reading your comment and than the user name afterwards :D :P

Hahaha, yes, indeed. iPadZombie that I am, I still get creeped out by people who defend the prison walls. :)
Good karma said:
Very well said about the ibook, newspaper and pdf experience difference between the ipad and itouch. May i add one more thing which is the battery life, on the ipad it last ages compared to the touch which needs to be charged lets say afetr watching the bbc iplayer for and hour.

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2

+1 on the difference in battery life. i keep forgetting the difference and then have to plug in in the car to listen to my downloaded Rhapsody playlists. I'm really really spoiled by the Ipad bwttery life. Same with my laptop (which I rarely use anymore. Wonder if I'll even replace it as I find I do fine with Ipad and main computer, thanks to Dropbox.
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