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Official Apple IOS Firmware Download Links for iPad

Thank you Rambler. I didn't know about the other screen by touching on the album avatar. While it's kinda neat to scroll through the album covers it only plays one song from each. I then tried to open up an entire album to see if it would go to the next album, but it only repeats the album cover until you are at the end of that albums track list. Bummer! I wish they would have kept the genre separate when showing the whole albums. Now I have to wade through 84 albums each time I want to stay within the same genre. I wonder if Apple listens because the desktop itunes works better than the ipad1 itunes does. Whine whine whine...
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No. The only upgrade you can do is to go to iOS 5.0.1. Apple is no longer signing iOS 5.0.

Can I upgrade from iOS 4.2.1 to 4.3.X in Ipad1 (Model No: A1337 (EMC 2328))? I tried to upgrade to 4.3.1, 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 and failed with error 3194. I don't want to upgrade to 5.0.1 due to the issue "Wi-fi greyed out after the upgrade to IOS 5.0".
Can I upgrade from iOS 4.2.1 to 4.3.X in Ipad1 (Model No:*A1337 (EMC 2328))? I tried to upgrade to 4.3.1, 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 and failed with error 3194. I don't want to upgrade to 5.0.1 due to the issue "Wi-fi greyed out after the upgrade to IOS 5.0".

You can only upgrade to the latest version of IOS, which is 5.0.1 at the moment, UNLESS you have saved SHSH Blobs for your device. If you don't know what these are then chances are you don't have them. See here for details - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq-new-improved-2012-a.html

On the subject of 5.0.1 there are NO widespread problems with wifi or any other feature of the operating system, so you should not be put off updating to it based on the quote you placed above. Remember, there are tens of millions of iPads out there. If there were serious issues, then a huge proportion of those owners would be complaining and it would be very public. Problems such as the one you quoted only effect a tiny minority of owners.

Hope that helps.
Thanks a lot it helped much. The plan is:
to save blobs for 5.0.1
to save blobs for 4.2.1 using iFaith
to build a pre-signed custom firmware for 4.2.1 to save as a restore poit
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The first post has been updated with all IOS 5.1 firmwares including the iPad3! :D
Can i use the 5.1.1 firmware posted in the first to upgrade my firmware? I' m currently at 4.3.5, and my connection to apple server is suck. Thanx
Can i use the 5.1.1 firmware posted in the first to upgrade my firmware? I' m currently at 4.3.5, and my connection to apple server is suck. Thanx

Sure can! It does seem to be a quicker download to use these links here than to go through iTunes and Apple. Good luck and happy downloading.

Sorry for the stupid question I do have a iPad3 4g <<With BELL Mobility>> it's been upgraded to 5.11 and jalbroken. Everything it is great and if, in the future i would want to revert back restore the current version of IOS on my device in the download section of Apple IOS Firmware I'm not sure if I should download the 4g CDMA or the 4g GSM I would think that it should be the GSM but in the readme TXT. file that it comes with absinthe it says iPad3 (WiFi/CDMA/Global) it doesn't says iPad3 WiFi GSM I'm confused: !!!


- MacOSX 10.5/10.6/10.7
- Windows XP/Vista/7
- Linux x86/x86_64 (Kernel >= 2.6.15, libgtk+-2.0 >= 2.22.1)



- iPad3 (WiFi/CDMA/Global)
- iPad2 (WiFi/CDMA/GSM)
- iPad1
- iPhone 4S
- iPhone 4 (GSM), iPhone 4 (CDMA)
- iPhone 3GS
- iPod 4G
- iPod 3G
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Is it still possible to upgrade Ipad3 Wifi from 5.1 to 5.1.1 without SHSH blobs?

It is not and has never been possible to upgrade or downgrade ANY iPad device without blobs since SHSH blobs were introduced in IOS 4. :(

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