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Official Apple IOS Firmware Download Links for iPad

f4780y said:
The tethered IOS5 jailbreak for iPad1 has been available for quite a while. Check our jailbreaking methods sticky.

Ain't going for tethered jb... Better stick to my 4.3.3 and wait until there is an untethered solution for iso5.
While I like the thought of this information (going back to a previous software version), I don't know how to use the downloaded file. How do you get it into my ipad # 1?

I updated to 5.0.1 today and that replaced my ipod icon that use to play my music. Now it just has a music icon which is horrible. There isn't any navigation in it. I cannot see my albums individually, etc. It's horrible compared to what was in the old ipod icon player. The thought of giving Apple one more dollar for anything since an ipad 2 costs less than my original series 1 did, does not make me happy.
Hello Anybody... also thought of this question after looking at that list of software. Only a couple of them say ipad in the file name. Does that mean I have to go back to those specifically of will one of the newer numbers that say iphone work in the ipad and I should use a more recent version? Thanks in advance.
The continuing saga,

So I go to another blog and it says just download the file to your desktop and then go to itunes while hooked up to your ipad and while holding down the shift key press the restore button on the itune system screen. Immediately I get "An unknown error occurred (3194)." Oh really? Thank God Apple took the time to write out the message for something they can't figure out what's happening. Making my Life better? I think not. Any help would be appreciated.
All you can use on the iPad is the firmware that is specifically for the iPad - software for the iPhone will not work.

In addition, when you got the 3194 error, what version of firmware were you trying to install? Because you said, in your first post, that you had installed iOS 5.0.1. That is the latest and the only iOS you can install on an iPad (unless you have saved SHSH blobs previously).

IOW, what type of iPad do you have now (iPad1 or 2, 3G or WiFi only) and what is the current firmware on it? Have you ever been jailbroke before?

IPAD 2 to IOS 5

Hi im currently using an IPAD 2 with ver 4.3.5 i would like to update to the IOS5 but keep getting errors such as 3194 and 3202 when using shift + update and shift +restore. This is once if backed up the ipad, can someone please help?
Follow this guide -

Is this for jailbroken ipads only? Im just frustrated as I only bought this yesterday and I thought the upgrade will be quick and easy. Please point me in the right direction, I dont want to feel as though ive wasted my money on this ipad
No. If it was for jailbroken iPads only, I would have told you that. It sounds to me like you are trying to manually install 5.0 on your device which you CANNOT do. You must install 5.0.1 which is the latest firmware.

If you follow all the steps in the tutorial you will get your device restored. I don't know how to help you any further than by giving you these detailed instructions.
Thanks to f4780y... he is right about my tantrum. The new player is as good as the old one. And to Marilyn... "no, the ipad I have has never been jailbroken, but I have to admit; I thought about it once, after hearing the term." What stopped me was the issue about it locking up my ipad and defeating the warranty.

Back to the player... the one on my Windows desktop is great. It separates the music by genre and that makes it easy to use when you want to listen to a type of music. The Bad News! Apple doesn't carry that through on the ipad 1 (of course it could be me, maybe I'm not using it right).

Let me describe it: are we left with all our music in the same pile on the ipad1? Let me walk through it and if you see me doing something wrong, please let me know. First, the button at the bottom of my ipad1 player says "more." So I push on that and up comes genres. I pick that and now I can see icons/avatars listing how many albums and songs in each genre. However... when I press on a genre (for example) my 924 songs (in that genre), come up in alphabetical order, not by individual albums. Why oh why?

Thinking I'm not working it right maybe if I pick albums (while on this screen)? NOPE... now all of the albums from every genre show up. Why oh why? Now if you do this on your Windows itunes the genre remains separated but not on the ipad1. Bummer.
Try here Robert, whenever I'm stuck on what to do, a quick search usually finds something

hope this helps, it shows you all the aspects of the new music player
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