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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Thread

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Does anyone know how to use TYPOPHONE 4 lockscreen on ipad? ANy idea people ?

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2. Overboard
3. Locktopus
4. Lockdown Pro
5. barrel [Some transitions only...make the homescreen (winterboard) act weirdly]
6. Remove background [Removes all active apps in background]..installing but not working..

Most of the time when u download these tweaks the springboard keeps asking you to go into SAFE MODE or RESTART..as a result u have to remove them from cydia in the end!

also safari download manager AND 5 -row keyboard is NOT working.

REMOVE BACKGROUND seems to be working just fine.
A huge thanks to all involved... It's been an emotional ride! Will be donating! Great forum. That is all. ;)
I had the same problems. I tried it about 10 times on 2 different PCs. Same thing, just sat on the first part until it stopped working. What I did was backup to my PC, then restore it to factory. Rebooted my PC. Ran Absinthe as Admin and it worked perfectly. Once it was done I restored my backup to get my settings back, then I sync'd my apps. Good luck.

hi there thanks for your help. i tried what you suggested, and it gets me much further, however i'm now at the point where i have the absinthe icon on the restored ipad. when i click it, i get a message saying 'absinthe is now setting things up, please stand by'. when i first clicked it, i say a little wheel up by the network connection icon, but its now shown nothing for a while.

i read elsewhere that you can go into settings, and setup a vpn connection however this just results in an error for me, with no change when i click back on the absinthe icon

any suggestions?

EDIT: ok tried rejailbreaking a few times, and finally got the cydia icon! but when i click on it, didn't work? buth then i did a manual reboot and now seems to be working.

sorry for the long messages, but hopefully will help someone else
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Either my Jailbreak didn't work totally (although it looked like it did), or something else is causing it, but I woke up this morning to see a totally drained battery. It was around half when I stopped using it last night. The only Cydia app I left installed was a wifi scanner app. I'm guessing it probably kept running even though I closed it. Just another huge negative about using a jailbreak.
may i know how did u use REMOVE BACKGROUND?? Did u change something after installing it from CYDIA?

It works inside of SBSettings. It becomes an icon you use when calling the SBSettings panel. Just search for Remove Background in Cydia and install. You'll have to go into SBSettings options and enable it. It is working fine for me.
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also safari download manager AND 5 -row keyboard is NOT working.

REMOVE BACKGROUND seems to be working just fine.

This site shows current compatibility with iOs 5 and JB... iOS 5 Compatible Cydia Apps & Tweaks List - Jailbreak 5.0.1 - 5.1 CydiaHelp

5-row is incompatible (and might not be compatible at all after reading about the developer not updating it) and Safari download manager as well.

I don't see any other viable 5-row kb in Cydia. That sucks. That was my biggest hope for the JB on 5.0.1. Bummer. :(
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yeah ME TOO! now we simply have to depend on others!!

I did send the developer an email and I got this in an auto-response:

Our customer service is closed from 19/01/2012 - 30/01/2012 to
celebrate the Chinese New Year.

If you want to use 5-Row Keyboard in iOS5.x, please search "iKeywi" in
Cydia. (iPhone / iPod only)
For iPad version, I am making it now, you can check this demo video:

If you have any other questions or feedbacks, we will reply you as
soon as possilbe.
Thanks for your patience. :D

Best Regards and Gong Xi Fa Cai
Hiraku Dev

The title states iKeyWi, so it might be renamed to that to match his iPhone/iPod one of the same name. So, maybe after the Chinese New Year celebration we will hopefully see this for our iPads again!

I will use the other one for my 4S I suppose.
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