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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Thread

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Here's the best way (in my experience):

1) Connect iPad to iTunes and select (a) Transfer Purchases, then (b) Backup

2) Put your iPad into DFU Mode and then do a shift/restore to iOS 5.1.1 (follow the tips in this link: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html)

3) Restore the iPad from new, NOT from the backup you made in step 1b

4) Jailbreak the iPad (make sure you wait until it's done)

5) Open Cydia to install your packages (it will close after it's done)

6) Connect your iPad to iTunes and "restore from backup" (this will not mess with the jail break or the iOS - it'll just put back all your settings, contacts, apps, etc.). But, be sure to select the backup YOU made, as sometimes, iTunes creates a backup during the restore process. When I did this step, I got everything back on the iPad ... and it looked just like it did before I started

7) Go to Cydia and start re-downloading all your tweaks. Just remember that the servers are hammered and if you are tyring to restore using a backup package, it'll probably keep erroring out. Just have patience.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the step-by-step, that sounds like it will do it.

One frustration I ran into when I first saw the Absinthe page is that it only provides two sets of directions:

How To Use Absinthe 2.0 (if you're unjailbroken):


How To Untether 5.1.1 (if you're already jailbroken):

But nothing for what to do if you're already jailbroken, but on a version older than 5.1.1, and want to make sure you don't lose all your stuff. It sounds like your method addresses this third scenario, right?
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...[snip]...But nothing for what to do if you're already jailbroken, but on a version older than 5.1.1, and want to make sure you don't lose all your stuff. It sounds like your method addresses this third scenario, right?

Yep, this'll do it for you: If you are already jail broken on an older iOS, upgrade/restore to stock iOS 5.1.1 (using the DFU Mode/shift to restore process). Then, once on stock iOS 5.1.1, run Absinthe. Then, restore from backup to get your iTunes apps and settings back and finally, head to Cydia to get all your jail break tweaks back.

TBH - they are getting better and better in developing these JBing tools. This one was the easiest one yet (of course, IMNSHO, :) ).

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Hey everyone! I just wanted to warn every one about this "tweak" that installs Siri on your iPad...DON'T DO IT!!! I had to COMPLETELY RESTORE and JAILBREAK my iPad 2!!! I got stuck at the Apple logo & it would NOT reboot! Luckily I could get into DFU mode to restore! EVERYONE is having issues with this! The instructions were released by jailbreakhow.net which has been a reliable source for JB info. The instructions however were released by absinthejailbreak . org...I am JUST NOW getting my iPad all set up AGAIN after getting it JB'd the other day!!!! AVOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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TBH - they are getting better and better in developing these JBing tools.
100% Agreed! And specifically Greenpois0n (developers of Absinthe) has always been the easiest tools of all them.
This one was the easiest one yet (of course, IMNSHO, :) ).
Well, technically, it's IDENTICAL in ease to the 5.0.1 Absinthe 1.0 JB.. ;-)
May I ask why my post was edited f4780y? I didn't post anything "pirated" It is a Cydia tweak? apologies if it was something wrong but I thought it important to warn people.
May I ask why my post was edited f4780y? I didn't post anything "pirated" It is a Cydia tweak? apologies if it was something wrong but I thought it important to warn people.

You posted the URL to that site which became a link. You must not post links, particularly ones you telling people NOT TO FOLLOW! I removed the link :D
You posted the URL to that site which became a link. You must not post links, particularly ones you telling people NOT TO FOLLOW! I removed the link :D

I don't understand? we can't post links here either? I see links to other sites all over this site? Please explain?
I had no problem JB my Ipad2 , but now only one theme fully is workingwith Winterboard that's 2Uinique for Ipad any other theme only 3-4 icons change.What can be problem no idea :-(
I have iphone 4 and never had a problem with Winterboard , maybe that themes are not compatible with Ipad2 5.1.1 at this time
Need healp please !!!
I don't understand? we can't post links here either? I see links to other sites all over this site? Please explain?
You can't post links to repos known for pirated apps (even if they offer non-pirated apps too). And you can't post links to "commercial sites" or competing iPhone iPad forums (I think). Just read the forum rules top to bottom once, Mike. It'll keep you out of trouble. :-). And there aren't that many. :-)
You can't post links to repos known for pirated apps (even if they offer non-pirated apps too). And you can't post links to "commercial sites" or competing iPhone iPad forums (I think). Just read the forum rules top to bottom once, Mike. It'll keep you out of trouble. :-). And there aren't that many. :-)

But the the site I posted is the SAME site that posts Abstinthe and EVERYONE posts those links here!
I don't understand? we can't post links here either? I see links to other sites all over this site? Please explain?

Here's a reminder of the rule for everyones benefit, and everyone is highly recommended to read all our rules thoroughly. If you wish to continue discussing, please do so via PM, as this is NOT on topic.

Reminder - Rule 8
With the exception of news articles, promoting other iPad related forums or blogs in your posts, signatures, or in any way on the forum is not permitted. Doing so may result in a banning.
Please review all our forum rules here
Here's the best way (in my experience):

1) Connect iPad to iTunes and select (a) Transfer Purchases, then (b) Backup

2) Put your iPad into DFU Mode and then do a shift/restore to iOS 5.1.1 (follow the tips in this link: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html)

3) Restore the iPad from new, NOT from the backup you made in step 1b

4) Jailbreak the iPad (make sure you wait until it's done)

5) Open Cydia to install your packages (it will close after it's done)

6) Connect your iPad to iTunes and "restore from backup" (this will not mess with the jail break or the iOS - it'll just put back all your settings, contacts, apps, etc.). But, be sure to select the backup YOU made, as sometimes, iTunes creates a backup during the restore process. When I did this step, I got everything back on the iPad ... and it looked just like it did before I started

7) Go to Cydia and start re-downloading all your tweaks. Just remember that the servers are hammered and if you are tyring to restore using a backup package, it'll probably keep erroring out. Just have patience.

Hope this helps.



1. None of my apps came back. This may have to do with the fact that I don't check the box to have apps automatically sync? Maybe if I turn that on and re-do step 6 it will get my apps back? (I have many more Purchased apps in itunes than I actually want to put on this iPad, I want the exact set I had before, so I'm looking for a way to do that without having to manually go through every app again.)

2. For Step 7, how do you know what tweaks you've installed/purchased? Unlike itunes, I don't see a way to get a list of purchased Cydia apps in the Cydia app, am I missing something? Or was there a step left out, where I should have done something to create a record of which Cydia apps I would need to reinstall?

1. None of my apps came back. This may have to do with the fact that I don't check the box to have apps automatically sync? Maybe if I turn that on and re-do step 6 it will get my apps back? (I have many more Purchased apps in itunes than I actually want to put on this iPad, I want the exact set I had before, so I'm looking for a way to do that without having to manually go through every app again.)

Did you select the correct backup? Sometimes, when restoring and then setting the iPad up, iTunes creates another backup. This one has nothing in it, no apps or anything. Check the date and time on the backups you do have and select the oldest one. Other than that, I can't explain it, because I didn't have that happen. After I restored from backup, my iPad3 was just like it was before I stored and did the backup.

2. For Step 7, how do you know what tweaks you've installed/purchased? Unlike itunes, I don't see a way to get a list of purchased Cydia apps in the Cydia app, am I missing something? Or was there a step left out, where I should have done something to create a record of which Cydia apps I would need to reinstall?

Cydia keeps track of the tweaks that you have purchased. You have to sign in to view them. For reference, see the second picture in this link: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=67553

That's a picture of the Cydia Home page and you need to press on the line "Manage Account." Once you sign in, there will be another line titled "Installable Purchases." Press that and you will get a list of all the tweaks you've bought.

There is no such record for any free tweaks you may have gotten in the past. If you've not kept a record, all you can do is try to remember what you had. I keep an Excel spreadsheet of any tweak I tried, whether I've kept it on my iDevice or not. Maybe that might help for the future? Sorry I can't help better on this particular topic.

Hope some of this helps. Let us know how you get on with that backup.

Updating my last post... Yes, I went back to Step 3 and left the "sync apps" box checked, and all the apps came back. Well, most of them. I saw a message pop up on the iPad that one of the apps failed to install. Since I wan't nearby watching the ipad screen for the 20 minutes this took, I can't be sure that was the only one that didn't install, there could have been other errors popping up that I might have missed. Is there any place where I could find a log of errors that occurred during the backup? Or do I have to have the screen within eyeshot and write down any message that appears during the process to create my own log?

(EDIT: It tries again on subsequent syncs, so you can at least see the issues repeat (though you do have to keep an eye and manually track the errors, unless there is some log somewhere I don't know about). It was just the one app, I'll have to figure out why it didn't install.)

There is a remaining issue that the images of the screens in itunes do not match the actual screens.

(EDIT: That was fixed by quitting itunes and relaunching it.)

I tried turning on the sync checkbox on *that* screen, and it said it wanted to replace everything on the iPad with everything that was in itunes, and it looked like it was going to put stuff in the wrong place, so I turned that back off. Then I tried turning it back on to check something (because you can't even sort the app list unless sync is enabled), and then it wanted to erase most of the apps (i.e. the bar of used space at the bottom went down, which hadn't happened the first time). So I quickly turned that off again. I don't know why the operation of that box is not consistent. Regardless, I can't seem to get the Sync Apps enabled without either losing apps or losing their correct location.

(EDIT: I went ahead and told it to sync apps (because I did want to be able to use that screen to arrange and edit), engaging it on one of the times that it showed it wouldn't erase apps. So I took screen shots of all my icon arrangements first, then had it sync. Sure enough, my apps remained, but all the organization is messed up... but at least I have a saved visual guide to recreate it.)

(EDIT 2: Fixing that started well enough, I followed the screen shot I had created on the iPad, rearranged a page's worth of icons on the Mac, told it to apply or sync, whatever the option was (always confusing to me), and the layout properly transferred to the iPad... but somehow it deleted all the rest of the screen shots I had just created on the iPad, leaving me without a reference for recreating the layout of the rest of the pages. I don't know why that process should have deleted any user data on the iPad, but as I had not specifically created a backup since generating those screen shots, they're gone. Oh well.)

As for the cydia tweaks, I own another iPad (not at my disposal at the moment)... it doesn't have the same set of apps, but I think it has the same set of Cydia apps, so when I get access to that one, I'll be able to check that to find the names of whatever else I'll need to reinstall, if there's no other way to recreate that list.
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Cydia keeps track of the tweaks that you have purchased. You have to sign in to view them. For reference, see the second picture in this link: TUTORIAL - Cydia - A beginners guide to the Jailbreak App Store

That's a picture of the Cydia Home page and you need to press on the line "Manage Account." Once you sign in, there will be another line titled "Installable Purchases." Press that and you will get a list of all the tweaks you've bought.
Thanks for that tip. As for any freebies I might have, they are probably on my other iPad, so I'll be able to check that eventually.
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