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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Thread

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Hy joyrider ,,, can you sent to me your blooobs ,,, cause i want downgrade my ios 6.0.1 to be ios 5.1.1 .... So many rimes i was download ios , but doesnt work ....

You cannot share blobs. You must have your own.
dith said:
Hy joyrider ,,, can you sent to me your blooobs ,,, cause i want downgrade my ios 6.0.1 to be ios 5.1.1 .... So many rimes i was download ios , but doesnt work ....

No, even if he wanted to it wouldn't work, you can only use your own blobs which are associated with your particular iOS device.

I would suggest that you have a good read of the guides and tutorials in the Hacking section here to make yourself familiar with what is and what isn't possible.

The Archangel
Upsss ,, sorry i dont know ,,,

Oke may be you can give a kink where i have to looking ,,, i have 5.1.1 and 4.3.4 but didnt read in red snow ...
Sorry f4780y, I didn't realise you were online.......I'll slap my own wrists......

The Archangel

No need Gabe. We are all on the same team ;)

Upsss ,, sorry i dont know ,,,

Oke may be you can give a kink where i have to looking ,,, i have 5.1.1 and 4.3.4 but didnt read in red snow ...

All the sticky threads in the Hacking Section are worth looking at, but try here specifically - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq.html

And if you have blobs for 5.1.1 and any 4.x firmware, use this tutorial to help you restore - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...5-x-ipad2-ipad3-using-redsn0w-shsh-blobs.html

Good luck.
f4780y said:
No need Gabe. We are all on the same team ;)

All the sticky threads in the Hacking Section are worth looking at, but try here specifically - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq.html

And if you have blobs for 5.1.1 and any 4.x firmware, use this tutorial to help you restore - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreaking-hacking-tutorials-how-guides/92572-tutorial-re-restore-ios-5-x-ipad2-ipad3-using-redsn0w-shsh-blobs.html

Good luck.

Many thanks ... I will try now ....

Regards f478oy ....
f4780y said:
No need Gabe. We are all on the same team ;)

All the sticky threads in the Hacking Section are worth looking at, but try here specifically - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq.html

And if you have blobs for 5.1.1 and any 4.x firmware, use this tutorial to help you restore - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreaking-hacking-tutorials-how-guides/92572-tutorial-re-restore-ios-5-x-ipad2-ipad3-using-redsn0w-shsh-blobs.html

Good luck.

Still not working ,,, and for 5.1.1 no fresh blobs in cydia ...

And when i used tinny umbrela ,,, abailable blobs 5.0.1 ... What i've suppoused to do ?? Pls guide me
dith said:
Still not working ,,, and for 5.1.1 no fresh blobs in cydia ...

And when i used tinny umbrela ,,, abailable blobs 5.0.1 ... What i've suppoused to do ?? Pls guide me

Are you saying that you do not blobs for iOS 5.1.1 showing in Cydia? If you don't have the iOS 5.1.1 blobs, you won't be able to downgrade.
scifan57 said:
Are you saying that you do not blobs for iOS 5.1.1 showing in Cydia? If you don't have the iOS 5.1.1 blobs, you won't be able to downgrade.

Yes not available in tinny or redsnow ,, available in 5.0.1 .. And i already save ...
dith said:
Yes not available in tinny or redsnow ,, available in 5.0.1 .. And i already save ...

Looks like you have no choice but to wait for the release of the iOS 6 jailbreak if you want to jailbreak your iPad.
There's plenty of development about iOS 6 jailbreak. I think the first post requires an update.

Swiped with Desire S using PACMAN with Jelly Bean.
I also have an iPad 2 iOS5, jail broken.
Waiting for iOS6 jailbreak.
There's plenty of development about iOS 6 jailbreak. I think the first post requires an update.

Swiped with Desire S using PACMAN with Jelly Bean.
I also have an iPad 2 iOS5, jail broken.
Waiting for iOS6 jailbreak.

This is not the right thread. There is a sticky specifically for IOS6.

This thread is essentially retired. All new posts should be directed to one of the relevant sticky threads, tutorials, or where appropriate, a new thread created. On that basis, and since it keeps getting resurrected when other threads are more relevant, I shall now close this thread ;)

The relevant threads to continue discussions on iPad2 jailbreaking are - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/89458-official-ios6-jailbreak-status-thread.html

and - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24377-jailbreaking-methods-ipad.html

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