skimonkey said:
I'd have to agree with Molly! Stranding, your dogs remind me of two Great Danes that our neighbors own. They are like small-like Ponies!! You could easily ride one if you were tired that's how big they are!!
Well, Ski, a few people have told us that too! They would be very pleased to meet the Great Danes, who are of course fellow "real" dogs, not those titchy little things that just pretend to be dogs just to trip folk up, like terriers, spaniels, labradors etc!!!
mollysmom said:
Gee, imagine that! Lol. To be serious though, they are beautiful! I loved the pictures. Oh, the horsey pictures were wonderful too. I just love beasties no matter what how big or small.
Same here of course. Just as long as they are v. big & hairy

Just for the record, Bracken the dog weighs 78 kilos (171 lbs) & is 36 inches at the withers (the top bone of the shoulders), the same as the usual height of a kitchen work top. He has a long neck & nose and if he stretches with all 4 feet still on the floor, he can easily reach the wall at the back of the work top.
So..... if I was foolhardy enough to think that a delicious, aromatic roast chicken (say) pushed right back against the wall was going to be "safe" there, then I would be even dafter than I look

Mind you, HE would be batty too if he thought he would get away with trying something like that!!
His sister Toksvig is a little shorter, 34 & a half inches but weighs more than him: 83 kilos (182 lbs). She is a greedy thing but she has a thing about tissues too--she would walk right past a ham sandwich or some Walls (" shoshages"

) to pinch a tissue...mad or what?
She has a funny trick of coming up to you, turning herself round, then backing up to put her bottom on the sofa beside you to keep you company & watch the telly--that's with all four feet firmly on the floor

If she misses when backing, be ready for a sudden heavy squashing!!
She does the same in the vet's waiting room, "sitting" like that on a (hopefully empty!) adjacent chair & then everyone falls about giggling

If they see her coming, the vets all come to watch for a regular belly laugh! We will have to start charging fees
Here is the beginning of a painting of Bracken. I intended to finish it off but now not sure; might leave it like this. Have one of Toksy too; will go find it.