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quake5254 said:
9 made me cry like a little boy.
And 10 is what I should do.

Thank you friends for sharing your points of view. I appreciate it much. And Molly, for showing me the true meaning of love and friendship with Sheba. I will be giving her a warm bath and sleep with her tonight for the last time.

You'll be in our thoughts Quake as will little Sheba.
That's my Tash :)
Sorry about the double post. The first one didn't post on my end, but it apparently did. Again, my apologies

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Quake? I do hope you are okay? It's like losing a part of you, I know. So many pets, but never forgotten. I remember each and every one with tears but also with fond memories of each and every memory. Thinking of you, Quake.

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glyndavid said:
My cat Sascha

She has very smart livery!! Love the fur colours.

I've just been on a lovely sponsored ride along what we call the "Ridgeway", a chalk upland ridge that stretches for miles across southern England, used for centuries as a well-drained droveway. Though it's upland, we call it "downland"!

Though the horses are not actually my pets, I wish they were! & I'm hoping it's OK to post them here?


I rode Mickey, a shire-cross, here with his owner during our stop for lunch.


This is Rooster who doesn't like flies so he's wearing his incognito veil...


And this is Brandy, my regular horse at the moment. He was being ridden by a blind lady & he tried to take advantage (well, no, he TOOK advantage!) of her during lunch...see photo at the end.


...by pinching both her half-eaten apples:-)


This is goody-goody Speckles and his rider, both eating their own lunch! I see that he is wearing his dust/pollen nose mask at half-mast:-)


A helicopter buzzed over us, which they are definitely not supposed to do & some of the horses didn't like it. We would have been very visible to him, especially wearing those hi-visibility vests.


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Your photos and story of the ride out onto the Ridgeway are super, Stranding. Many thanks for sharing them. :)

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leelai said:
Really lovely photos of the horses and the countryside.

Thank you Leelai and Richard! It was such a treat!

I wanted to stop on the way to take some shots of the many superb wildflowers in bloom by the green paths-- chalk downland ones such as the beautiful blue scabious and purple thistle. But difficult to stop when in a group like that & to cope with a camera too-- not on, unfortunately.

We are hoping to have a drive back out in a couple of days and will look to find some flowers to snap (with my other trusty steed Tramper who trundles along obediently behind the car on his own little trailer).


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Well, I thought this was funny::-)

A man had a racehorse who had never won a race. The man, in disgust, said to him:

"Horse, you had better win in today's race or you will be pulling a milk cart tomorrow morning."

The starting gate opened, the horses took off, the gates were moved away and there they found the man's horse asleep on the track.

The man kicked the horse and asked him:

"Why are you sleeping?"

The horse, half-asleep, replied:

"I have to get up at three in the morning."
mollysmom said:
Stranding, you could always ride those dogs. They're about pony sized. Lol

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Hmmmm. You are NOT (most surprisingly) the Very First Person to come up with that comment!!! LOL.

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