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quake5254 said:
Why was the spelling of that breed changed to four asterisks?

That's the Forum filters picking up that particular word and it gets changed automatically.

Thats a very hard decision for you to make Quake but if she's in a lot of pain, it just might be the right one, I'm very sorry to say.
Talking from experience here, but my Siamese Smartie suffered and I should have put him down much sooner. He died in his favourite sunny spot though so sort of justified. If your pet is suffering, do the right thing but if not, hell no! I feel for you though, making that decision is one of the hardest things to do.

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This is a very hard time for you Quake. However, what is best for Sheba? Do what is best for her, that is the measure of true friendship and love.

We all feel for you.

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quake5254 said:
I feel bad, sad, not knowing what to do. My brothers and sisters want my Sheba (****-tzu) put to sleep. She's already blinded with cataract, has cysts, has hearing problem, and walks to slow. My feeling is too attached. I am doing my best to prolong her life but everyone's insisting not to prolong her agony. I could not bear the idea of letting her go.

Quake, I am shedding tears for you.

This is a hard decision, the very hardest there can be.

But it is also an act of love for Sheba. And it's something that you are able to do for her.
Take great comfort from knowing that and think of her.

You are the one who knows her best. You will know when she has reached a time when she has stopped enjoying her life.

Ask yourself honestly: Is that now? Or is that what your family think?

If it is now, then you must help her by making the decision that she can't make for herself.

Be strong for her.
When a little time has gone by, you will be able to remember the good times you had with her, and that you were able to be the steadfast help she needed when her time came.

We send our love to you.
Quake, I have to agree with my wise friends. I couldn't have said it better. Do what's best for her.


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Hayles66 said:
Talking from experience here, but my Siamese Smartie suffered and I should have put him down much sooner. He died in his favourite sunny spot though so sort of justified. If your pet is suffering, do the right thing but if not, hell no! I feel for you though, making that decision is one of the hardest things to do.

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Quake, I was just retreading posts and Haylee's struck a chord. I, too, waited too long with my yorkie Rosie. Although it has well over 10 years since she's been gone, I still feel guilty that I did not bring her to the vet sooner. Don't carry that around like I am,take Sheba.

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mollysmom said:
Quake, I have to agree with my wise friends. I couldn't have said it better. Do what's best for her.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=23167"/>

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Excuse me while I go grab some tissues!!
Quake, I have to agree with our fellow forum friends, rather than looking at it from your perspective try to look at it from hers. She has had a wonderful life with you and now is the time to do the final act of love.

Let her go knowing you did everything just for her rut to the end.

The hardest thing is to make this decision but also the most important thing you can do for her.

Sending virtual hugs xxxx

Dark Angelwitch (Surrey)
mollysmom said:
Quake, I have to agree with my wise friends. I couldn't have said it better. Do what's best for her.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=23167"/>

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9 made me cry like a little boy.
And 10 is what I should do.

Thank you friends for sharing your points of view. I appreciate it much. And Molly, for showing me the true meaning of love and friendship with Sheba. I will be giving her a warm bath and sleep with her tonight for the last time.
9 made me cry like a little boy.
And 10 is what I should do.

Thank you friends for sharing your points of view. I appreciate it much. And Molly, for showing me the true meaning of love and friendship with Sheba. I will be giving her a warm bath and sleep with her tonight for the last time.

Thinking of you, Quake. <3

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