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Yes, all three kittens get on very well. It's the older cats who have problems with them. Trixie hates them full stop. Sam tolerates them but they have to keep their distance. He does, however, let them eat his dinner. Pathetic!

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Reminds me of a nursery rhyme----The three little kittens...

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leelai said:
Have lost their mittens.......that was a favourite!

"NO NO NO NO NO NOnonono .....". My Gran's Siamese Cat's favourite expression. :)

Expression being frequently repeated by Moira Stewart to Chris Evans on Radio 2! :D

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Richard Brown said:
"NO NO NO NO NO NOnonono .....". My Gran's Siamese Cat's favourite expression. :)

Expression being frequently repeated by Moira Stewart to Chris Evans on Radio 2! :D

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Oh Richard!! :O

Do you know how long it took me to get that out of my head yesterday?

Now it's there again. :D
I know this has Nothing to do with pets but I just HAD to share this fascinating video with all of you!

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Yes, definitely the vet needs to see what is wrong. Please let us know what their diagnosis is?

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