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This is Angel. She's an abandoned kitten I found this past weekend. She is the most calm and unflappable cat I've ever met.

She loves affection and immediately jumps up and snuggles against our heart when either I or my husband is resting on our side.

She has feline leukemia, so we have her quarantined, but we can't keep her because of our other two cats and if we can't find a no cat home for her by tomorrow, we will have to put her to sleep.

In the meantime, we have been asking everyone we trust if they can adopt her and we have also been investigating feline leukemia rescue groups within our surrounding area to see if we can extend her life a little longer.

However, if we can't, and the odds are stacked against her, we'll just continue to give her everything she has likely never had in her approximately 8 months of life: Lots of love and attention, and all the tasty food she can eat.
Asharp said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=27048"/>

This is Angel. She's an abandoned kitten I found this past weekend. She is the most calm and unflappable cat I've ever met.

She loves affection and immediately jumps up and snuggles against our heart when either I or my husband is resting on our side.

She has feline leukemia, so we have her quarantined, but we can't keep her because of our other two cats and if we can't find a no cat home for her by tomorrow, we will have to put her to sleep.

In the meantime, we have been asking everyone we trust if they can adopt her and we have also been investigating feline leukemia rescue groups within our surrounding area to see if we can extend her life a little longer.

However, if we can't, and the odds are stacked against her, we'll just continue to give her everything she has likely never had in her approximately 8 months of life: Lots of love and attention, and all the tasty food she can eat.

Shes an adorable cat though!
The impossible has happened and she's got a reprieve!

A family that lives two doors down from us gave us an abandoned cat about 2 years ago (Bart) and has immediately taken her in knowing that she has feline leukemia.

They want to wait until the end of the month before making a final decision about keeping her permanently, but they've already named her Morgan and remark on how beautiful she is.

They have her now and I am grateful for every day of life that she gets to live.
Molly says, " the heck with the dog house. I own the sofa."

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Is that your dog Mikel? We could do with one of those cage things. Bonnie keeps disappearing and we could do with putting her out in the summer without worrying whether she's jumped out again. She is Border collie( yup, totally mental, huge jump) and Springer Spaniel ( also mental). She's very nervous with strangers especially men. She went through a divorce and every time we shout or argue, she hides. We try not to do it near or around her but hey, real world and all that.

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