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Post your Pet

Hmmm. Interesting, very interesting. :)

I thought so. I'm getting better at it, I think.

Is that your dog Mikel? We could do with one of those cage things. . .

Yep, Gypsy is mine, or I'm hers, depending on who you ask.

My dog pen is 16' x 10'. I built it on the cheap using ridged wire livestock fence. The corners are just bent together. The door is cut in to one side. A leftover piece hinges with bent ends on one end and held in place with a small carabiner.

It's ugly, but functional for larger dogs.

Great film and great app, thanks for that!

Thanks. I'm still experimenting with what can be done. Pets are turning out to be a popular subject, just like every other social picture/video app. ;)
. . .Bonnie keeps disappearing and we could do with putting her out in the summer without worrying whether she's jumped out again. She is Border collie( yup, totally mental, huge jump) and Springer Spaniel ( also mental). She's very nervous with strangers especially men. She went through a divorce and every time we shout or argue, she hides. We try not to do it near or around her but hey, real world and all that.

If you can't buy or build a kennel, you could create a dog run. This is just a long line either mounted high or along the ground, and another shorter cable (with pulley) that will run along it. It gives the dog a lot more freedom of movement than a normal tether. You need to be careful to make sure it's not possible to tangle around the ends.

I used this kind of system when I was cleaning out my father's house for sale. I stayed there for about a month, rather then commute every day. One end was right by the back door, which made it easy to let her in or out.
Ha ha. That gave me a laugh. I had a pony called Gypsy. She was a naughty thing though. Her favourite trick was trying to get my kids off her back. Didn't keep her for long. Too dangerous and she was supposed to be good with children.

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twerppoet said:
Mikel is my name. :D

Gypsy is sweet, well, as long as you are not a cat.

Woops--so sorry about that, Mikel! :)

And sorry to Gypsy--how did I think she was a dog? Wasn't there a dog on the video...gosh I need more coffee!

Edit...yes, gypsy is a dog...just checked, with coffee now!
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twerppoet said:
Mikel is my name. :D

Gypsy is sweet, well, as long as you are not a cat.

Lol........Similar mix up here----Molly is not my name nor my daughter's name-- Molly is my dog

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What is your name? Can't keep calling you Mollysmum surely. Pm me if you don't want it public or not at all.

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