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Siamese cats are so clever.And how they talk.After a lifetime of family cats ,we have said no more and now we have birds.I can't confine animals and bells didn't work.I don't miss the carnage but I do miss my cat playing hide and seek.She loved walking on trails on leash with us and the dog.

I understand your viewpoint. Our cats have a house with three stories they can run around in so they're not confined too much. They're entertained by a fish tank, an amazon parrot and the dog.

We have too many bald eagles for us to let the cats outside. Wouldn't want to feed baby eagles with them. Several years ago, a little dog was snatched by an eagle never to be seen again. This was at a gas station in Valdez. It happened so fast, while the tourist couple were gassing their motor home and letting their dog stretch his feet.

That puts a new twist on the term "A cat on a hot tin roof"! :)

LOL. Yes it does ... :):D
Love to see Mr. Miles in action and enjoying a few moments of viewing Nat Geo!! A very intelligent dog he is! ;)

Love the Sweater outfit he has on...I think he is accustomed to wearing a shirt as daily active wear!

Yes, he is dog park security. Definitely terrace security ;). Thanks!!

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Sunny enjoying his corncob.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=37846"/>
The new member of our family. He is a Morkie and his name is Charlie. Now I have two Morkies,Lexi and Charlie.

I've never heard of a Morkie before. Is he full grown?
My horse is celebrating his Irish roots with St. Patricks day but I draw the line at colouring him green! His name is Shamrock and he is an Irish Cob.

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No, but then it wouldn't stop hubby from doing so. I'm a wine person. He's staunchly English and is not a fan of all the rest! Such English pride. Hee Hee. Considering I'm a foreigner (English parents born in Durban, South Africa) I'm amazed he puts up with me! He is not a happy bunny after the English rugby team were slaughtered by the Welsh *****. My colleague at work is crowing, he's welsh! I find it hilarious. Do the Canadians and the Americans feel the same?

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Hiya Ricky. Long time no see? Where have you been? Yes, it was Shammy's day yesterday. He got an extra load of carrots.

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