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SHSH Blob question


iPF Noob
I just jail broke about 3 weeks ago before 4.3.4 came out. I was told Cydia saves your SHSH automatically so I never worried about it. Once 4.3.4 come out I wanted to make 100% sure so I downloaded iSH**** and saved my SHSH and sent a copy to my email. Did I save it in time? Or did I need to do it before 4.3.4 come out? I havnt synched since I jail broke.

Second part of that question is why do I see 4.3.3 4.3.4 up top when I open Cydia? Not sure how to post a screen shot from my iPad 2.
That 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 you see at the top of the main Cydia screen is your proof that your blobs are saved. Yay!

So now, you really don't have to do anything. Especially since you've already mailed a copy of your blobs to yourself (I assume you had the iSHSH*T app find/save/email all available blobs...). Just save them somewhere on your PC/Mac (where you'll be able to find them again, should you need them).

IOW: Nothing to worry about. All systems are green for you.

If I may, a word of advice, though: Get in the habit of doing backups, both of your stock App Store stuff via iTunes and of your Cydia tweaks and settings via something like PKGBackup. It's a good habit to get into and will save you oodles of time should you ever have to use those SHSH blobs and restore. Just a suggestion...


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