SweetPoison said:
I never did get to.
Here's how to make a theme (it requires Photoshop or other professional Photo editors). (got this info from the book iPhone Hacks)
All iOS icons are actually png pictures. You can just replace them but in Winterboard it just creates a theme so it just redirects the apps to look for their icons to the dedicated folder so everything can be easily undoed in a tap. Each theme is in /Library/Themes/name-of-theme.theme which is a symbolic link to /Var/stash/themes.WA77b5/ . You should give your theme folder a .theme extension as it's easier to work with and can still work like a folder. /Themes/theme-name.theme/Wallpaper.png will change your wallpaper (for old iPhones, iPod touches). Themes/theme-name.theme/Icons/app-name.png are for icons, just make sure they are the correct size. Sound files are in Themes/theme-name/UIsounds/ sounds use a .caf extension but are actually .aif files.
More stuff are at
iPhone Theming on WinterBoard - Jay Freeman (saurik)

(sorry for spelling mistakes)
Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!