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SweetPoison's JB Venture!

Thank you! I don't even think anyone knows what it is. I hope sweet poison (can I call you Marie? Or would you rather sweet poison since I am 15?) is doing ok with the dead iPad. She hasn't said anything because she is either still updating, or it is like 2 in the morning in California right now. It is 12 am in NC, and I am going to bed! And biobunny, your signature is awesome. interestingcompanionpad. iPad really is.
grayshark95 said:
Thank you! I don't even think anyone knows what it is. I hope sweet poison (can I call you Marie? Or would you rather sweet poison since I am 15?) is doing ok with the dead iPad. She hasn't said anything because she is either still updating, or it is like 2 in the morning in California right now. It is 12 am in NC, and I am going to bed! And biobunny, your signature is awesome. interestingcompanionpad. iPad really is.


Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!
. Nobody has said anything about my avatar. You guys must not like it..... :(

I love your avatar, Grayson! Isn't is some Pokeman?

Thank you! I don't even think anyone knows what it is. I hope sweet poison (can I call you Marie? Or would you rather sweet poison since I am 15?) is doing ok with the dead iPad. She hasn't said anything because she is either still updating, or it is like 2 in the morning in California right now. It is 12 am in NC, and I am going to bed! And biobunny, your signature is awesome. interestingcompanionpad. iPad really is.

You are funny, Young One. It is 11:19PM here ( not 2AM ) and I just got home. I did charge it and it is ready to go. In the morning. I must sleep now.

You can call me whatever you like ~ :)
Okay ~ check this out:

Last night we were playing around in Cydia. I bet you I could not get myself back to where we were, either. But ~

I was in Build Your Own Theme section. I registered and whatnot and then it said: " click here to start to build your theme!"

There were some really cool ones too ~

So I clicked and it told me:

"uh Oh!" It appears you don't have FLASH! I am sorry. You can get Adobe Player, or just continue and not download/upload your own content"

Something like that ~

I couldn't believe it! I was laughing so hard! I never expected to see that in Cydia. But then again, I have NO idea what to expect in the Twilight Zone.
SweetPoison said:
Okay ~ check this out:

Last night we were playing around in Cydia. I bet you I could not get myself back to where we were, either. But ~

I was in Build Your Own Theme section. I registered and whatnot and then it said: " click here to start to build your theme!"

There were some really cool ones too ~

So I clicked and it told me:

"uh Oh!" It appears you don't have FLASH! I am sorry. You can get Adobe Player, or just continue and not download/upload your own content"

Something like that ~

I couldn't believe it! I was laughing so hard! I never expected to see that in Cydia. But then again, I have NO idea what to expect in the Twilight Zone.

I have no idea where you went, but then again I mostly walk in predefined paths.

So how did you get to make your own theme?
How did you get to that stage, where it asks you to upload a theme, anyway?

I went into Cydia and then I....I have no clue actually. I will get back to you on that!

I must have went into Sections and then Themes. I will have to go see. But there was this really cool theme I am going to ask Leigh help me catch.:D

I want it.
SweetPoison said:
I love your avatar, Grayson! Isn't is some Pokeman?

You are funny, Young One. It is 11:19PM here ( not 2AM ) and I just got home. I did charge it and it is ready to go. In the morning. I must sleep now.

You can call me whatever you like ~ :)

Ok Marie!
It the firefox test pilot logo! I downloaded firefox and saw that and thought it was.... "cute".
As for pokemon, never like anything of the sort. And I'm kinda old to like pokemon anyway.

Don't tell anyone I said cute.... :)
SweetPoison said:
I never did get to.:(

Here's how to make a theme (it requires Photoshop or other professional Photo editors). (got this info from the book iPhone Hacks)

All iOS icons are actually png pictures. You can just replace them but in Winterboard it just creates a theme so it just redirects the apps to look for their icons to the dedicated folder so everything can be easily undoed in a tap. Each theme is in /Library/Themes/name-of-theme.theme which is a symbolic link to /Var/stash/themes.WA77b5/ . You should give your theme folder a .theme extension as it's easier to work with and can still work like a folder. /Themes/theme-name.theme/Wallpaper.png will change your wallpaper (for old iPhones, iPod touches). Themes/theme-name.theme/Icons/app-name.png are for icons, just make sure they are the correct size. Sound files are in Themes/theme-name/UIsounds/ sounds use a .caf extension but are actually .aif files.
More stuff are at www.saurik.com/id/9
:):) (sorry for spelling mistakes)

Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!
SweetPoison said:
I never did get to.:(

Here's how to make a theme (it requires Photoshop or other professional Photo editors). (got this info from the book iPhone Hacks)

All iOS icons are actually png pictures. You can just replace them but in Winterboard it just creates a theme so it just redirects the apps to look for their icons to the dedicated folder so everything can be easily undoed in a tap. Each theme is in /Library/Themes/name-of-theme.theme which is a symbolic link to /Var/stash/themes.WA77b5/ . You should give your theme folder a .theme extension as it's easier to work with and can still work like a folder. /Themes/theme-name.theme/Wallpaper.png will change your wallpaper (for old iPhones, iPod touches). Themes/theme-name.theme/Icons/app-name.png are for icons, just make sure they are the correct size. Sound files are in Themes/theme-name/UIsounds/ sounds use a .caf extension but are actually .aif files.
More stuff are at iPhone Theming on WinterBoard - Jay Freeman (saurik)
:):) (sorry for spelling mistakes)

Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!

Goodness. And I thought screwing up my themes on my BB was a mess.

Thank you so much! I think...;)
Hey Nick! I haven't really played with it that much. I am not sure about the theme thingy.

Did you read what BioBunny posted?

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