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Trapped in DFU Loop.


iPF Noob
Hello ipadforums! My problem has forced me to register here and get some expert help because, quite frankly, I am baffled.

I am (as the thread title suggests) stuck in a DFU (or PWN) Loop after trying to upgrade my 3.3.2 firmware to 4.3.3 custom firmware.

Before you ask, no, it is not a Recovery Loop. It's a blank screen. Tiny Umbrella isn't able to help me.

To answer another question, yes, I tried restoring to a clean firmware then reinstalling custom firmware. No change.

Yes, I have tried to manually exit DFU mode by holding the Power button and the Home button until the Apple showed. It never did.

Finally, it is not an issue based around faulty hardware as my iPad was perfectly normal before attempting jailbreak.

I am able to bring my iPad into a tethered state using Redsn0w but it's inconvenient. I want to able to access my iPad untethered and as far as I know no other firmware (aside from downgrading) supports this as of now.

Can anyone help me?
Following your instructions I:

* Restored to stock 4.3.3 using TinyUmbrella and iREB-r4.
* Booted into Tethered mode using redsn0w.
* Exited Recovery Mode.
* Visited jailbreakme.com
* Downloaded and installed Cydia.
* Then with my newly jailbroken iPad I shut off the power.
* My iPad automatically reboots into DFU Mode.
* I am once again stuck in DFU Mode.
Obviously, the problem is the jailbreak itself. As much as I know you'd hate this, but I have to say it; Don't jailbreak your iPad for now. Just wait for a stable redsn0w jailbreak when it comes out for iOS5/iPad. Otherwise, go ahead and repeat the process and see if you get anywhere.
You claim you don't have a hardware error, but if I take what you have written at face value it appears to me that you do.
Unless said "hardware malfunction" happened without changing any software or having any noticeable effect before attempting to jailbreak I doubt it.

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