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TUTORIAL - Jailbreak the iPad2 and iPad3 on 5.1.1 With Absinthe 2.0

bifftaz said:
Great tutorial, Much appreciated !!! Unbelievable how easy it is to jailbreak with this app.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

It's very easy, however you might want to think if your Ipad is still under warranty as this will void it.
GoPackGo said:
I have a tab with that thread open in Chrome right now! And thanks for the suggestions!

I jail broke my IPad2 with Absonth 2.0, i have since restored it back to unbroken, however, i have read that when and if you have to send it back to apple for any warranty work they can tell that it's been JB'n and the warranty is void, yet i did read somewhere there is a way to put if back so that you can't tell it was ever JB'n. Do you know how to do that???? thanks
I jail broke my IPad2 with Absonth 2.0, i have since restored it back to unbroken, however, i have read that when and if you have to send it back to apple for any warranty work they can tell that it's been JB'n and the warranty is void, yet i did read somewhere there is a way to put if back so that you can't tell it was ever JB'n. Do you know how to do that???? thanks

You have nothing to worry about. A simple restore is all it takes. A previous jailbreak can never be detected.

I just have a quick question. I have an iPad 2 wifi and it's now back on 4.3.3 and jail broken after 2 weeks of torture when I tried to upgrade and jailbreak with Absinth and kept getting errors. I thought I hated 5.1.1 but it seems I didn't after all. Now I miss all my apps that will only work on 5.0+ and I think I want to try again.

I'm really afraid as I spent MANY hours getting it back to the way it was, but I now have TU and blobs for all updates through 5.1.1- I don't recall the error I was getting, but should I try update 5.0 maybe? Or should I just leave well enough alone? Thanks for all the amazing help here!

P.S. I'm pretty sure my computer (Windows 7 64 bit) was the issue but not 100% and I was a little careless when I did all this a few weeks ago. I think everything is back to normal now.
When I get to stage 4 it never "finds" my iPad
Brand new iPad 3 5.1.1 32gb wifi and 3G (with no sim card fitted)
Backed up on iCloud
When I connect the USB cable the iPad is visible on my PC running Win7 but as above, the Jailbreak tab remains grey and the application shows "connect your device"
I have tried removing the password
I have tried resetting the device

any suggestions?
When I get to stage 4 it never "finds" my iPad
Brand new iPad 3 5.1.1 32gb wifi and 3G (with no sim card fitted)
Backed up on iCloud
When I connect the USB cable the iPad is visible on my PC running Win7 but as above, the Jailbreak tab remains grey and the application shows "connect your device"
I have tried removing the password
I have tried resetting the device

any suggestions?

Does iTunes see the iPad?

Mickey330 said:
Does iTunes see the iPad?


Not as far as I can see.......
I noted that I am not supposed to sync with iTunes AND iCloud, so I left iTunes alone......
And have not used it for anything such as music download yet.....
I will have another look at setting up iTunes.....
any tips?
I jbed my iPad one on 5.1.1 ....I had some very important PDF files and I also backed up iBooks in cloud .now I restored iPad most of stuff is fine but iBooks stuff is missing . How I can get PDF files back? Tia
when i jailbroke my iPod Touch 4G, after cydia prepared the filesystem, it resprung. then, half of my stock apps were gone. do u think it was just an error? i restored and i will try to jb again.

That certainly sounds like something went wrong, and is not typical or to be expected when jailbreaking. There is no better time to jailbreak than following a fresh IOS restore, so go ahead and give it another go (I'd recommend the latest redsn0w).
Let us know if you run into problems, but you should be fine. Good luck.
f4780y said:
That certainly sounds like something went wrong, and is not typical or to be expected when jailbreaking. There is no better time to jailbreak than following a fresh IOS restore, so go ahead and give it another go (I'd recommend the latest redsn0w).
Let us know if you run into problems, but you should be fine. Good luck.

Did you downloaded from installeous ?
Did you downloaded from installeous ?

Installous is related to piracy, and discussion of that subject is a banned on these forums, as is clearly laid out in our rules. You should not be asking any member of the site whether they are using this piracy enabling software, least of all a member of staff. Please review our rules.
f4780y said:
Installous is related to piracy, and discussion of that subject is a banned on these forums, as is clearly laid out in our rules. You should not be asking any member of the site whether they are using this piracy enabling software, least of all a member of staff. Please review our rules.

Got it
Mickey330 said:
Oh! Sorry, but you cannot do an over-the-air (OTA) update for the iOS on a jail broken iPad. You must update the jailbroken iPad using your computer and iTunes.

So, connect the iPad to iTunes, make a backup and then press the Restore button (on the main Summary tab). iTunes should then do the steps to upgrade it. Once it's done, don't put your backup on, select the set-up as new option.

Then, run the Absinthe jail break. Once it's done and your iPad is jail broken again, then you can hook the iPad back up to iTunes and select "Restore from Backup" after right clicking on the iPad (under devices). This action won't mess up your jail break, it'll just put all the apps, data and settings back on from the backup you made.

Hope this helps.


Can you tell me from where u can get Cydia and how to put that on the iPad

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