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TUTORIAL - Jailbreak the iPad2 and iPad3 on 5.1.1 With Absinthe 2.0

I don't understand what you mean by "your iPad needs to upload its battery." Could you explain a bit further on what you are trying to do?


Mickey330 said:
I don't understand what you mean by "your iPad needs to upload its battery." Could you explain a bit further on what you are trying to do?



Sorry, I mean he needs to charge.
Just did the jailbreak on my 4S with Absinthe about 24 hours ago. Already LOVING the changes. I can't wait to jailbreak my iPad 2 after I get some sleep. (The jailbreak, as we know, takes like 5 seconds, but doing an iTunes backup takes FOREVER on my computer.)

Yay. :)
Just did the jailbreak on my 4S with Absinthe about 24 hours ago. Already LOVING the changes. I can't wait to jailbreak my iPad 2 after I get some sleep. (The jailbreak, as we know, takes like 5 seconds, but doing an iTunes backup takes FOREVER on my computer.)

Yay. :)


I know you know, but now have a look at this thread for some great ideas on which tweaks to try/use: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=25824

And, since I'm here, let me recommend my three favorites for the iPad: iKeywi, SwipeSelect and BrowseInApp. They run beautifully...

Welcome to "the dark side"! :D

hi.. this is a silly question, i am so new to JB and tweak. i have Cydia...
So i can download everything mentioned here by opening Cydia in my Ipad, right? I mean, Cydia can only be open in my IPad? right?
Or does it have a site like itunes where i can download/purchase everything and sync it to my ipad?

this is so embarassing...but i hope somebody answer me. thanks in advance...
zidane said:
hi.. this is a silly question, i am so new to JB and tweak. i have Cydia...
So i can download everything mentioned here by opening Cydia in my Ipad, right? I mean, Cydia can only be open in my IPad? right?
Or does it have a site like itunes where i can download/purchase everything and sync it to my ipad?

this is so embarassing...but i hope somebody answer me. thanks in advance...

Don't be embarrassed!! Yes, you can only get jailbroken apps and tweaks in Cydia. But when you open Cydia, you just have to do a "search" and they should come up. If they don't, in Cydia go to changes and update or refresh or whatever the option is.
I am on 5.0.1 on iPad one , I jbed, I am trying to upgrade to 5.1.1 on iPad but when 50,60 % completed give error :( help me guys
I am on 5.0.1 on iPad one , I jbed, I am trying to upgrade to 5.1.1 on iPad but when 50,60 % completed give error :( help me guys

Please tell us what error you are getting so we can try to help narrow down your issue. Thanks.

This is error


  • image-794608583.webp
    28.8 KB · Views: 345
Oh! Sorry, but you cannot do an over-the-air (OTA) update for the iOS on a jail broken iPad. You must update the jailbroken iPad using your computer and iTunes.

So, connect the iPad to iTunes, make a backup and then press the Restore button (on the main Summary tab). iTunes should then do the steps to upgrade it. Once it's done, don't put your backup on, select the set-up as new option.

Then, run the Absinthe jail break. Once it's done and your iPad is jail broken again, then you can hook the iPad back up to iTunes and select "Restore from Backup" after right clicking on the iPad (under devices). This action won't mess up your jail break, it'll just put all the apps, data and settings back on from the backup you made.

Hope this helps.

Mickey330 said:
Oh! Sorry, but you cannot do an over-the-air (OTA) update for the iOS on a jail broken iPad. You must update the jailbroken iPad using your computer and iTunes.

So, connect the iPad to iTunes, make a backup and then press the Restore button (on the main Summary tab). iTunes should then do the steps to upgrade it. Once it's done, don't put your backup on, select the set-up as new option.

Then, run the Absinthe jail break. Once it's done and your iPad is jail broken again, then you can hook the iPad back up to iTunes and select "Restore from Backup" after right clicking on the iPad (under devices). This action won't mess up your jail break, it'll just put all the apps, data and settings back on from the backup you made.

Hope this helps.


I appreciate your help, let me try

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