I know I wont be with my iPad everywhere as I think the iPod or iPhone are better suited for that. I think my iPad will stay home and because I am a Graphic and 3D Artist I will be using the iPad to show my portfolio and presentations to clients. The best use for me is to read graphic books and magazines, play games, use my very limited 3D modeling app and for video tutorial.
As as proud iPad owner since release day, April 3rd 2010 at 4:58 PM ET (that's what my receipt shows) and using it daily since then I use it mainly it for:
eMail (personal)
Surf the web
Use "USA Today" app, I just love it for news, sports, etc.
RSS feeds
Occasionally log into a Windows PC with iTAP RDP
Watch movies anywhere
Listen to my music library and Pandora
Catch up on all my subscribed to Podcasts
A few games
Remote control AppleTV from any room in the house that we stream audio using Apple's Airport Express
Show off thousands of photos in iPhoto's with UNBELIEVABLE speed
Use it as a digital picture frame on my desk at work
Pretty much Everything and anything that does not require a full blown PC
In the future I'm looking forward to be able to:
Have my technical manuals & admin guides (PDFs) stored in iBooks in their native PDF format
Have a unified inBox in eMail (I have 4 accounts setup)
Just found another use over the weekend, I have a cold and lost my voice, I used a drawing app to scratch out notes of what I wanted to say, worked great!
I do travel a lot for work, and I'll massively use it when I am away from home!
Its 10 hours of battery will grant me movies on the plane, and save my precious Iphone battery...
I posted on another thread, but I couldn't resist posting here: I'm sitting here at the tire shop now waiting on a flat tire to be fixed and I'm reading and replying to this forum, checking out Facebook and taking care of work e-mail. I'm so busy, I can't even get to watching any videos!