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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

I think ill be mainly using it as a laptop placeholder...until i get a MBP...and surfing web, playing games, and watching movies...

and since i like to travel...a great TRAVEL COMPANION

it also helps that ill probably be the only ipad owner in school so ill be doing plenty of showing off!!! ^^
Taking notes during meeting, access ms exchange email, play games, watch movies, surf the web during long travel (use 3G) And post replies on this forum.:D
Watch movies, especially for hd movies with Blu-ray or DVD quality. otherwise, iPad is no sense.

I really like HD movies, too. I wouldn't say no sense for other stuff though. It's a great toy to take with me when I'm out on the road. Easier to deal with than me net book.
I'll be using mine to hold my portfolio (I'm a professional makeup artist) which will be better than lugging around a huge binder of photographs. It'll also bemy appointment book, diary, time manager, emails, web surfing, portable entertainment (some games and occassional movies when on long flights. I won't be putting music on it because I use my iPhone for that, but probably will have my music video collection on it.
I think the Ipad can be used for everything.Looking through my photos will be great won't have to use the laptop now.
I'm happily using my iPad at home and while traveling. I like to play music from my iPod collection while googling, etc. in bed or on a couch. I had fun creating a slide show from my saved images in Photo, using the Keynote app. Keynote and Pages have great tutorials that make it easy to get started.
(They don't have the full functions of PowerPoint and Word, though.)

For touch sensitivity (reply #101) just beware of putting three fingers on the iPad at once, whIch throws you into zoom mode. My husband didn't realize that had happened while he was playing a game. It's really, really hard to get to the restart slider when zoomed out!
I will be using my future iPad for travelling, connecting to my work server, browsing, music, apps, pictures and movies. I'm not going to download too much as I only got a 16 GB just like my iPhone. Everything else will be on my Macbook. I brought my Macbook to Asia not too long ago and I needed something that's smaller and easy to carry. The iPad will be the perfect road warrior gadget for me.
The same things I used to do with ipod plus movies & games.

And you forgot to say you SPAM with it....

note the against forum rules signature for Tom..... yes, the infamous myipadmedia virus strikes again!!!! These are like roaches....

For the 100000000000000th time, folks DO NOT fall for this.....

It cost $50 to join, and old Tom here will get $34 of it. It is part of a click media rip off scam.......

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