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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

As a yorkshire lass I love the fact you have an Harley.. lol! :)

Don't you use the word 'whilst' over there? I don't tend to use it in everyday conversation but it came up on word prediction.

Thanks for the link, the apple mounts look good, the car mount that clamps to something further down might possibly clamp onto wheelchair frame. It seems to be a US company though would they ship to UK? (I'm thinking a metal pole/plate would be heavy for shipping costs!)

Its worrying that it can be damaged easily from fall onto carpets as I dont have any. (special vinyl that's easier to clean up tyre marks from chairs - looks like wood flooring but waterproof backing).

I'm mostly housebound so it should be ok for indoor use ipod/movies also planning to use it as jumbo touchscreen remote via something like mini red eye app as I struggle with small buttons. I do have a Lightwriter SL40 as well I can use for outdoor appointments. Do you work in 'Assistive Technology' field?

The great thing about Ram is that most of their items are interchangeable so you can "make" a system for anything. The stuff I have purchased has been made out of a hard plastic similar to the material used to make Glocks (a gun).

I hear you on the falling concern. Tether, tether, tether. I would take a close look at your chair and determine the best position to mount/hold it so that if it slips it can be saved by a tethering system. There has to be a case out there that has a loop to tether from. I will look.

I don't work in the assistive technology field, rather I am a consumer. One of my jobs (exceptional student education [ESE] director and college professor) is to acquire technology to mitigate some the challenges out students have. For those that may not be aware ESE covers students with disabilities ranging from cognitive to physical. I help level the playing field.

Does anyone have a link to that video were the guy imitates Jony Ive in the beginning? It ends with him throwing a baseball into the Ipad.
Travel guide

I hope to receive the wonder tool Friday, have it all powered up by Saturday, loaded with my maps and travel guides.

I have a presentation all ready to load, we will see how well that goes being new to apple.
Web (I'm a huge news junkie), Facebook, Youtube, Videos expecially ripped DVDs on the plane, eBooks, remote PC administration and most importantly, my huge collection of work and private PDF files.
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I'll be using it for reading, along with more portable access to all my online needs, etc. As an old guy with neck problems, combined with tri-focals for reading, it gets downright uncomfortable and painful doing any extensive reading on my iMac. The iPad displays EVERYTHING better, brighter, and is more easily positioned. Also has proven to be a great sales tool allowing me to better display some of my supplier product websites -- as well as my own, of course.
I have been playing around and just doing everything on it since I first got the wifi only one on April 3rd.. But now that I got my 3G I'm probably going to buckle down and use it mainly as a photography portfolio
I want to do serious artwork on it. And this movie is an amazing inspiration.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ44S17mHO4&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Autodesk Sketchbook Pro for iPad[/ame]
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That was a cool video. Would like to do some art as well besides gaming, browsing and reading on the iPad. Wished I could Skype but I guess that's maybe next year.
I think I'm probably going to be more of the power users of the iPad. Besides the usual: browsing, email, music, gaming, movies, I plan on creating a lot of content on my iPad. I 'm a professional designer and writer and this is exactly what Ive been waiting for. I can work on my scripts with ease without being confined to a desk, and sketch out ideas, layout stiryboards, etc. I also plan on giving a lot of presentations with this thing. Look for me to post a sketch from time to time I did on my iPad.
The only thing that bum's me so far is that you can't decently proof print from the iPad. When that's properly resolved, graphic arts will be quite adequate on this device.

Drawing on a tablet this way has been a dream of mine since the first time I saw a MacIntosh print to an Imagewriter.
[FONT=&quot]I am using my iPad as an ultimate research tool that I can use for my studies. It is suc a helpful tool for me because aside for my studies, I use my iPad in watching videos and movies to keep me from stress and anxiety. With this Gorgeous tablet, You will surely learn a lot and enjoy at the same time.
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Watch movies, especially for hd movies with Blu-ray or DVD quality. otherwise, iPad is no sense.

Do you know of any good software converter for BR moviesto the ipad format? I do agree that the screen is beautiful for watching videos, even on youtube.
i will use it as a GPS when i go for walks :P

Movies, defo the net. I dont no why but im looking forward to the callander. APPS. Other nick nacks what come with it.

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