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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

I have read some comics on it already using Comic Zeal app. You can add cbr files to it and it is the best (only) portable comic book viewer there is. Can't wait to check some magazines. Got the grandkids so time is limited till they leave.
Tool for disabled users

"The iPad is also being hailed as a flexible, and cost-effective tool for disabled users. Businesses are obligated to make accommodations for qualified disabled workers, and the iPad has the features and apps to address many of the needs and replace specialized equipment costing thousands more.
While the reviews suggest that the iPad is excellent at what its designed to do, and that it will prove to be a more than adequate laptop replacement in many cases, IT administrators and business professionals need to keep the security limitations of the platform in mind before trusting confidential or sensitive data on the iPad."
Must-Have iPad Apps for Business Professionals | Reuters
I have a question , I am thinking about getting a ipad but my main use would be to play poker on the spade club site is this possable on the ipad?
My main use for the Ipad will be:
Reading to replace or augment my Kindle DX. Photogrpahy books and ht elike are going to be awesome on this machine.

I will have a dock on the kitchen bench so that I can use the machine as a cook book. I currently do this with my laptop but it is an awkward solution and the Ipad will do this much nicer.

Using evernote for note taking in class.

Surfign the web and reading my forums and papers on the couch instead of being stuck away in my study.

An electronic photo frame for displaying my images.

MY little granddaughter is also sure to have a lot of fun with it as well.
I do a bit of traveling with my job, so I'll be getting a lot of use out of the e-book reader, and the Netflix app. And of course using it for the interwebs.
Help! I bought the I pad...read all the stuff..and all the negative shit...should I bring it back or keep it! should I stay or should i go?
What do you personally dislike

Help! I bought the I pad...read all the stuff..and all the negative shit...should I bring it back or keep it! should I stay or should i go?

I do not much care what negative stuff you read. Base your decision on weather you like it or do not like it. I have not read all that stuff and since I got my iPad I have come to like it a heck of a lot. I have discovered much more to like about it every day. Your mileage may vary.
Help! I bought the I pad...read all the stuff..and all the negative shit...should I bring it back or keep it! should I stay or should i go?

I'm guessing this is a joke.....

Honestly the only negativity I've read are from people that don't own an iPad.
Help! I bought the I pad...read all the stuff..and all the negative shit...

Honestly the only negativity I've read are from people that don't own an iPad.

Whoa, I agree. You could add these often have a vested interest in no one using an iPad as the iPad may threaten their out dated skill set as the high priest of computer technology.

They will no longer be the person to go to and pay for help.
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