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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

I'd like to use my iPad to play music with the BOSE speaker that my husband gave me for my iPod. Is that possible and how would I connect them????????????????

I would get one of these dock extenders. They are relatively cheap and free shipping (although may take several weeks). I have two and they work great on my iPhone 3g.
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i suffer from cancer and i have a 27 inch imac and am going through chemo right now, so alot of days it hard for me to sit at my desk for long periods so the ipad will allow me the ability to be in bed and not struggle with a laptop and also im blind in one eye from my iraq days as a solider so the screen on the ipad will be so much easier than using a iphone when im to sick to sit up:)
I posted this in the "Which model will you buy" poll, but as it's directly relevant to this conversation, I'm putting it here too.

I ordered the 64GB WiFi only model. I have a great Nokia phone that runs an app called Joikuspot which turns my phone into a WiFi hotspot anywhere in the world, so no need to buy any additional 3G coverage.

I'm mostly going to use the iPad for traveling, which I do quite a lot of. I'm not sure I'll ever use it at home, but it looks to be perfect for airports, airplanes and hotels. I need to carry my work laptop regardless, as it has encrypted data and tools that won't work on a tablet or netbook, so for me the iPad is purely an entertainment device. I ordered the largest memory model as I'll be replacing my Archos 80GB PMP for watching movies (I can't wait for the larger screen!) and my Kindle for eBooks, as well as my iPod for music and Audible books. In addition, I'll use it for personal web browsing, playing games, and amusing myself with apps like GateGuru, even though it's limited to US airports.

United now has WiFi on their transcontinental flights, and while it's slow, it would be nice to do a quick email check, surf a bit, or even IM between movies without having to haul out the laptop and wait for it to boot up. Besides, even in business class there's not much room for a laptop and a snack on the tray table.
I posted this in the "Which model will you buy" poll, but as it's directly relevant to this conversation, I'm putting it here too.

I ordered the 64GB WiFi only model. I have a great Nokia phone that runs an app called Joikuspot which turns my phone into a WiFi hotspot anywhere in the world, so no need to buy any additional 3G coverage.

I'm mostly going to use the iPad for traveling, which I do quite a lot of. I'm not sure I'll ever use it at home, but it looks to be perfect for airports, airplanes and hotels. I need to carry my work laptop regardless, as it has encrypted data and tools that won't work on a tablet or netbook, so for me the iPad is purely an entertainment device. I ordered the largest memory model as I'll be replacing my Archos 80GB PMP for watching movies (I can't wait for the larger screen!) and my Kindle for eBooks, as well as my iPod for music and Audible books. In addition, I'll use it for personal web browsing, playing games, and amusing myself with apps like GateGuru, even though it's limited to US airports.

United now has WiFi on their transcontinental flights, and while it's slow, it would be nice to do a quick email check, surf a bit, or even IM between movies without having to haul out the laptop and wait for it to boot up. Besides, even in business class there's not much room for a laptop and a snack on the tray table.

I can do that with my Droid too.
I will be using mine for mainly web surfing and as a reader. I use Books 24x7 to read the latest programming books and I see the iPad as being my main means of using this site in the future.
I pad uses

I plan on using this at my work which does not have wifi. I love trading stock and there are programs by the brokerage firms that will allow you to use this. I worry a little about flash and java apps I use. I also plan on surfing the web and usingh it for email. I will porbably get rid of mobile internet on blackberry. This device looks very interesting, I hope its capabilities are up to my expectations.
I have a couple apps developed in FileMaker, one of them is a field work order currently being used with notebooks. Our company has several hundred field techs which use this work order tool. I'm working on converting the FileMaker code into the iPad using the SDK kit. Got through a few hurdles and this is looking good. I see the iPad helping our operations tremendously. And i also see a drastic cost cut merging this device to all our employees. This is just one small idea im starting with. Every morninig i wake with something new.. The iPad will defiantly change the way we our daily operations.
I will use mine to impress my friends ! Now I bet you never heard that one before. Actually I enjoy sharing high quality photos with friends and customers. The size of the iPad and the screen that flips when it is rotated makes it ideal for the way I want to share. Also I use a app from the Apple store called Air Video to stream videos from my desktop to the iPad. This way I can have access to unlimited videos without filling up the iPad. The iPad screen is excellent for viewing them.
I work on vfx, so I spend most of my day at a computer, some places I work only give me one display, my primary use will be web, slingplayer and air video. The screen is bigger than my video window would be even on 2 displays. I also plan on using iwork numbers for invoicing. Seems like the form entry system might make it even easier.
Excellent question:

It will replace my iphone for in vehicle tasks.

In my current line of work; instant response to emails equals orders which equals my income.

I plan to purchase a suction cup mounting bracket for my dashboard; and will stay wired in real time.

Why ipad and not iphone ?

Simple;at 55 years young; my eyesight is poor even with my glasses. he ability to have huge text ; I will no longer have to squint and / or pich my iphone screen so much that I lose a screen view.
Excellent question:

Simple;at 55 years young; my eyesight is poor even with my glasses. he ability to have huge text ; I will no longer have to squint and / or pich my iphone screen so much that I lose a screen view.

i love the smart phone i have but hate the screen size and like you iam over the age of 50 and it starting to tell on me and my eyesight ..
here my basic reason for the Ipad unit and why i want it

1- look at work and personal emails in the morning when eating breakfast st the hotel and i do a quick scan of the work emails and make calls as need for the day work

2-web surfing for personal use

a-here the list of the websites that i vist daily for personal use .
-x-msnbc for news
-x-cnn for news
-x-motivational photos
-x-weather channel
-x-bushcraft forums for outdoor hunting and backpacking and outdoor survival tips and tactics for the modern hunter .. for when iam not working i like to spend time out in the back country messing around out there camping and hunting and scouting for the fall hunt season
-x-a couple of my friends LDS blogs about there life and feeling as a way to keep up with them ..
-x-one friend state blog about where iam from and how the area is getting along ..
-x-plus a few more

this websites i go to on a daily viewing of the website along with a posting heavy on a couple there for fun and learning ..

3-diff games for the air port down time and hotel down time along with personal enjoyment of a good card game to spend a few hours when the weather was to bad to work ..

4-keep my book and dvd collections updated and get them off my phone and onto this unit to free up my cell phone space harddrive disk space ..

a-i loved to hold real books in my hands so reading a online book has no meaning to me for it the pleasure of turning a page and smelling the freshness or the oldness of a book when reading it ..

5-mp3 player as need so take the music off my smart phone and put on the ipad and free up more of the unit drive for stowage of more work apps as it need..i allready have about 10.gb of music ready to go with the songlist for the diff type of music i like for the diff moods i have ..

6-is the best one of all get rid of all the junk i do not need to carry with me when iam traveling on the road .. this way i can streamline the travel system with just the basic personal items i need for a trip and nothing else ..

mainly is get rid a lot of junk i do not really need to lighten my load up for travel ..
Full blown synth / rhythm musical apps.

Musicians pay $300-800 on average for music hardware devices that do ONE thing. This will change the game. :D
Pretty much for web and e-mail. I am PC locked at work so I really can't do anything about that as I work for a software company and PC is the platform for our industry.

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