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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

Apple has a little known "camera accessory" item thAt it sells for about $25 at the apple store. It is two accessories that plug into your one plug. One is an SD card reader and the other is a camera USB port. Both work very well and it makes your iPad a good companion for your camera.
Yes I have used this for accessory for some time, I find it incredibly useful when out and about with my camera. To be able to see photographs straight away saves loads of time when traveling between locations. Probably the best £25 I have spent.
AirPlayit said:
send and read email, music and movie, read news, camera and youtube

I have yet to watch a movie on Scooter...mainly because I don't know how to put them on...

Sent from Scooter, my White Verizon 32GB iPad using iPF
I bought is as a personal toy, but it quickly became a business toll as well. I probably spend 30% less time on my laptop now that I have the IPAD.
PatriciaF said:
I think that the iPad can do more than most of us realize. It's mind boggling how far technology has come.

Completely agree. Can you give us some ideas for iPad uses in a class room?
I would say I mainly use mine for Internet, eMail, Facebook, Videos/Netflix, lots of games and an eReader. I have lots of books and manuals so it's so nice to have them all on my iPad.
Just ordered my first Ipad. Between my company issued Blackberry and Laptop, I wanted something more user friendly than my BB (I despise my Blackberry) and less clunky than the laptop. Intended use is email, minimal web surfing, taking notes during meetings and conf calls. As this is new for me, I'm sure I will find other practical uses for it as I become more familiar of its capabilities and available apps.
Ted D said:
Just ordered my first Ipad. Between my company issued Blackberry and Laptop, I wanted something more user friendly than my BB (I despise my Blackberry) and less clunky than the laptop. Intended use is email, minimal web surfing, taking notes during meetings and conf calls. As this is new for me, I'm sure I will find other practical uses for it as I become more familiar of its capabilities and available apps.

Congratulations Ted, you will never regret the purchase. :)

And, welcome to the forum.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Absolutely, I agree to Donald. The ipad has this benefit over all gadget. It is small and easy to carry. You can use it anywhere. But, I feel it is completely depends on individual thinking. Some feel laptop is good and some feel ipad is good. It is upto people requirement and choice.
I upgraded from the Kindle Fire to an iPad 2 and I'm loving it so far. I use it mostly as an ereader but love evernote, the browser, and tapatalk a lot too. I'll probably end up using it for school when I go back in the fall too.
Honestly, I think I will use it mainly as an eBook reader and also as a mobile internet tablet when you just don't feel like getting out the whole laptop... ie, on the couch.

Second to that, on plane flights as a movie platform it will be nice as the screen size is great and the battery life will beat even my 17" Macbook Pro.

All in all, there are a few neat uses for it but mainly those 3 for me.

What about you?

video playere,music,pic,games,funny and useful apps as well as web and the most important would be for entertainment on the way to work :)
Work & Play. My 3rd Apple product after an iPod & Ipod nano. I have loaded some eBooks on my iPad along with itunes library. I can use to access webmail for work as well. Although, after perusing the app store, I have run into my 1st issue with the iswifter application. It keeps asking me to pay for it.

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