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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

Well, I have just received my ideal app for my iPhone. It's called the RE and it turns the iPad (or iPhone or iPad Touch) into a universal IR remote control. Never thought I'd have so much fun with a 'serious' app! I can use the iPad's large screen to setup multi-room user interfaces and it comes with a huge ir code database. One really cool feature of the RE is that it replaces my lost remotes and....it supports ir code learning, device remotes and activity based remotes. I've thrown out all but 2 'standard' remote control units in favor of the RE. Definitely worth a look guys. Cheers.
Simple spreadsheets, web browsing, facebook, twitter, music at work, good way to fix pictures... and best of all... perfect to take with you when you are going to take a large deuce!
Let my kid to read books; learn planning, scheduling, thinking; play educational games, brain training games; use MSN to communicating with me...
I'm pretty sure that I WILL NOT use it for Music or Videos. I will use it for email, drawing, kindle reading books (hopefully to find enough free ones that are good), USA Today and maybe Wall Street Journal, Crossword puzzle, etc when I travel.

As a noobie I've yet to use it enough to see if I will use it at home for watching real TV while doing emails, checking my Blog etc. whilst reclining on the couch.:)

Only had it two days so far but did take it to a little league game yesterday and practiced drawing stuff when my grandson was not in evidence on the field.

Who knows what other ways that I haven't thought of yet are in my future.
One of the coolest apps I have seen is from Mailchimp where you can sign people up to a newsletter in person. Although perhaps not used frequently would be great at events. I'm more likely to browse the web much more though on the iPad.
Well, my new iPad is now my new iPod. I have a Touch (1st Gen) which is now my Blizzard Authenticator. I used it quite a bit, but it was never powerful enough to replace the small netbook I have been testing (and have taken back). My Nano (5th gen) is still my primary device when I am out working out or mowing and whatnot - it just works too well for that.

I listen to audiobooks all the time, so that is a huge chunk of what my iPad is doing. The other main use I am finding is managing my email - I generally use gmail, and the syncing up with the 3G while at work is great. I moved a bunch of accounts around to have them all filter into the one, so I now have a 1 stop shop that is accessible from anywhere without having to have Outlook installed...

I do watch movies and keep up with Fantasy Football stats and such as well as manage my WordPress blogs.

It has more than replaced my netbook for running around town and wanting quick access to email and surfing. The instant on is key for this.

I am sure I will find other uses for the iPad.
eBooks or pageramming? Will the iPad decide?

I'm like you with my expected uses. I bought it with eBooks in mind in particular.

Since getting it, I've discovered pageramming, which is like eBooks on steroids.

It is tailor made for tablets. There is only one site at the moment. It might take-off or disappear without trace. iPads might be the making of it.
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