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What is it?

AdmiralAdama said:
Lamp shade?


Sent from my iPad using iPF

Yes, it' a lamp shade.

image-3774853115.webpyour turn to light the way with a new challenge, Admiral.
goofy8275 said:
What is this (in general, you don't need the specific model), and how is it used?

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=25803"/>

Extreme close up of a speaker? Nice iPad in the reflection.
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I won't be able to monitor a challenge at this time so the challenge is hereby opened to any iPF member who wishes to post a challenge.
scifan57 said:
Auto correct run amok. Speaker it is.

I love the Freudian!

goofy8275 said:
Yes, I know how auto correct can be. I can't tell you how many times I've had to edit my posts because of typos.
And yes, you're CORRECT!
Your turn!

You too, Goofy! :) when I first looked at your challenge, I thought iPad was the answer. Anyway, per offer I am posting a challenge in the next post.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
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This challenge is straightforward. What was the profession of this person? Others in the same profession are named and will be revealed as further clues to the challenge :)


For bonus points, but not part of the challenge, where do you think I took this photo?

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

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