Drew wal iPF Novice Sep 28, 2012 #5,866 Your exactly right , it is correct. A close up of one of 12 Jbl 12" subwoofers I am putting in my car for next years shows. Well done.
Your exactly right , it is correct. A close up of one of 12 Jbl 12" subwoofers I am putting in my car for next years shows. Well done.
AdmiralAdama iPad Fan Sep 28, 2012 #5,867 Cool. That was a different challenge. Good sleuthing all who participated. AA Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Cool. That was a different challenge. Good sleuthing all who participated. AA Sent from my iPhone using iPF
OP OP scifan57 Administrator Staff member Sep 28, 2012 #5,871 Drew wal said: Is it a garden utensil of sorts? Click to expand... No, it's a slice from a larger item.
Drew wal said: Is it a garden utensil of sorts? Click to expand... No, it's a slice from a larger item.
OP OP scifan57 Administrator Staff member Sep 28, 2012 #5,874 It's neither of those. Here's another photo. Last edited: Sep 28, 2012
AdmiralAdama iPad Fan Sep 28, 2012 #5,877 Is it small enough and light enough to be sitting on your iPad smart cover? AA Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Is it small enough and light enough to be sitting on your iPad smart cover? AA Sent from my iPhone using iPF
OP OP scifan57 Administrator Staff member Sep 28, 2012 #5,878 It weighs over twice as much as an iPad and is shown sitting on a plastic stool in my yard.
OP OP scifan57 Administrator Staff member Sep 28, 2012 #5,879 Drew wal said: Cross section of a rail track steel? Click to expand... You've got it. It's a slice from the end of a section of rail. Your turn, Drew wal
Drew wal said: Cross section of a rail track steel? Click to expand... You've got it. It's a slice from the end of a section of rail. Your turn, Drew wal
Drew wal iPF Novice Sep 28, 2012 #5,880 Wow, didn't really get it till you showed the lower half either