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What is it?

Yep, thats what it is. It was the largest one in the set. A very small set. ;)

All yours, Richard.

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Thanks twerppoet. My collection(s) have more gaps than drill bits. I need to tidy up the garage!

My challenge is simply, what is this a part of?


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Tongs, you pull the end knob and they open or close...one way or the other
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You are absolutely right, Leelai. That one went quickly.

Aren't tongs a great gadget. They handle spaghetti far better than the special ladles. I saw Jamie Oliver using tongs... And the rest is history, as they say.



The challenge is yours.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Just luck Richard, I have several pairs of these and they are very handy!

I'm afraid I will need to open this up to anyone who wants to step in.

So to anyone who wants to challenge, the floor is now yours.
Is it part of a children's toy radio set?
Oops,missed your answer leelai.
AdmiralAdama said:
What is this and who would use it?
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=17938"/>

It looks like its an indoor tv antenna booster...

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