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What is it?

I will need to head for the pillow, so I will open the pic a bit.


  • image-1994502303.jpg
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It's a small Lego figurine from one of their playsets.There is not enough detail to tell exactly which figurine it is.
The company was founded in Denmark by Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1932.
scifan57 said:
It's a small Lego figurine from one of their playsets.There is not enough detail to tell exactly which figurine it is.
The company was founded in Denmark by Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1932.

I knew it was easy!


BTW, it is the UEFA-CUP!
I will be unavailable to monitor a challenge so I am opening up the challenge to all IPF members.
scifan57 said:
What's this? How is it used?

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=17973"/>

Is this a key safe?
To get the (spare) key (in case you forgot/lost yours) you press the digits (the code) and "open" (or "clear" in case you made a mistake).
scifan57 said:
That didn't last very long!

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=17983"/>

Your turn,hpulmer.

I had recently looked for one like that!

Mine is a bit more complicate.


Although any father (especially of daughters) knows how to use this item well during a certain time of the year... For what would he use it?

☠ stay safe ☠ stay legal ☠


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