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Who's upgrading their Ipad 2 to 5.0.1 and who's waiting?

Got a question. I watched that video on the home page here, the video by that Phil kid. He is talking about the new A5 jailbreak and he gave people an option of either updating their ipad 2's to 5.0.1 now before apple stops signing, or after apple stops signing by updating to 5.0.1 through a third party. I'm confused, if you can update to 5.0.1 after apple stops signing how come we cant downgrade through the same technique used by the "third parties" he spoke of?
Apple upgraded the security of the Shsh blobs since iOS 5 so downgrading from 5.0 onwards is no longer possible, it is possible however with iOS 4 but only if you have the shsh blobs saved.
yeah me too, i have observed many ppl are facing problems with 5.0.1, and in my view its nt worth to upgrade if ur on 4.3.3 JB already...

the choice is ofcourse yours! AND YOURS ALONE:o!
I'm waiting. I'm perfectly fine with my JB 4.3.3 whats the big deal about 5.0.1?

iCloud is a significant feature set supported by more and more apps, and as time goes by, more and more apps will require 5.x as a pre-requisite.

If this will never bother you, then by all means stick on 4.3.3. Some folks on iPad1 still struggle away with 4.2.1 these days, and that's entirely up to them.

You just need to be aware that, unlike in the past, you may not have the choice to update to 5.0.1 in the future once it's signing window is closed even if you have saved SHSH Blobs. Also, there may not be a jailbreak available for the "current" version of IOS5 at the time you decide you need to update, leaving you stranded.

And bear in mind, the vast majority of owners are perfectly happy with 5.0.1. You only hear about the problems on forums. That's the nature of them. Nobody posts to say things are just fine...
some thing is not clear to me!!!

if we have also dumped da APticket, we still cant downgrade TO 5.x.x FIRMWARES????

ur above post has unfortunately created confusion 4 me. please clarify!

i apologize if it is a noob q!:confused:
Got a question. I watched that video on the home page here, the video by that Phil kid. He is talking about the new A5 jailbreak and he gave people an option of either updating their ipad 2's to 5.0.1 now before apple stops signing, or after apple stops signing by updating to 5.0.1 through a third party. I'm confused, if you can update to 5.0.1 after apple stops signing how come we cant downgrade through the same technique used by the "third parties" he spoke of?

What Phil meant was that if Apple released a new firmware update (iOS 5.1 or 5.0.2), the iOS 5.0.1 IPSW (the actual firmware/software version) will no longer be available to run it via iTunes. So, the third-party source will be needed to find the 5.0.1 IPSW (hint - we have a link of all the official Apple firmware right here: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24939-official-apple-ios-firmware-download-links-ipad.html).

This is just so, if Apple has NOT closed the upgrade window, you can still get a copy of 5.0.1 to upgrade your iPad before the window closes. Once Apple has released a newer version of firmware, iTunes will only download/upgrade/restore with only that NEW firmware by default, hence the need to find the IPSW somewhere else (aka a "third party).

Please note that this is only talking about the IPSW - the actual version/firmware. If you do not load iOS 5.0.1 on your iPad while Apple has the signing window open for that firmware (generally about 24 hours), you will not be able to install it on your iPad, regardless if you get it from another source. Once Apple upgrades firmware, it's a race to ensure you get it loaded onto your iDevice before Apple closes the window.

Oh, and you can download firmware (the IPSW) all day long. However, it's whether you can USE it that's the key, which is the ability TO load it without SHSH blobs ... which aren't good for iOS 5.x and A5 devices anyway - right now.

Hope this clarifies. Let me know if it didn't...

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some thing is not clear to me!!!

if we have also dumped da APticket, we still cant downgrade TO 5.x.x FIRMWARES????

ur above post has unfortunately created confusion 4 me. please clarify!

i apologize if it is a noob q!:confused:

Read the FAQ - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq-new-improved-2012-a.html

A4 devices (iPad1) can use their 5.x blobs and APTicket via iFaith or redsn0w, but A5 devices (iPad2) cannot.

This thread is related to the iPad2 specifically, so we try hard to keep it on topic in accordance with our rules :)
i see......my bad.. alto i have read all threads like those mentioned above.


is it worth waiting for da new ifaith update with ipad2 support??

i am on ipad2 4.3.3 JB and i really dont feel like upgrading to 5.0.1. cuz i want to save those 4.3.3 blobs, and it can only be done using ifaith.when tht bootrom exploit is found!
What Phil meant was that if Apple released a new firmware update (iOS 5.1 or 5.0.2), the iOS 5.0.1 IPSW (the actual firmware/software version) will no longer be available to run it via iTunes. So, the third-party source will be needed to find the 5.0.1 IPSW (hint - we have a link of all the official Apple firmware right here: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24939-official-apple-ios-firmware-download-links-ipad.html).

This is just so, if Apple has NOT closed the upgrade window, you can still get a copy of 5.0.1 to upgrade your iPad before the window closes. Once Apple has released a newer version of firmware, iTunes will only download/upgrade/restore with only that NEW firmware by default, hence the need to find the IPSW somewhere else (aka a "third party).

Please note that this is only talking about the IPSW - the actual version/firmware. If you do not load iOS 5.0.1 on your iPad while Apple has the signing window open for that firmware (generally about 24 hours), you will not be able to install it on your iPad, regardless if you get it from another source. Once Apple upgrades firmware, it's a race to ensure you get it loaded onto your iDevice before Apple closes the window.

Oh, and you can download firmware (the IPSW) all day long. However, it's whether you can USE it that's the key, which is the ability TO load it without SHSH blobs ... which aren't good for iOS 5.x and A5 devices anyway - right now.

Hope this clarifies. Let me know if it didn't...


Thank you Marilyn. Yes, you have definately clarified this to me. Thanks for taking the time to explain it. I get it now.:thumbs:

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