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Who's upgrading their Ipad 2 to 5.0.1 and who's waiting?

I tried to make an exploited 4.3.3 using tinycfw but it doesn't seem to do anything I left it running twice and after about 30 mins still nothing, what am I doing wrong?

Usually indicates java has run out of memory. Make sure you followed the setup instructions from the tutorial we posted.
I tried to make an exploited 4.3.3 using tinycfw but it doesn't seem to do anything I left it running twice and after about 30 mins still nothing, what am I doing wrong?

It happened to me too, tried continuously for a day with different settings , java versions , etc.
Took the ipsw for 4.3.3 to my friends place who has a shinny new Macbook and in 5minutes it was done. Suggest you do the same!
guys.. i need some advice here!

at da moment my ipad2 is on 4.33 JB, should i upgrade to 5.0.1 or stay at 4.3.3?

unfortunately i dont have my 4.3.3 SHSH Blobs, so i dont really have a lifeline here....

thanx in ADvance xD
guys.. i need some advice here!

at da moment my ipad2 is on 4.33 JB, should i upgrade to 5.0.1 or stay at 4.3.3?

unfortunately i dont have my 4.3.3 SHSH Blobs, so i dont really have a lifeline here....

thanx in ADvance xD

The choice of course is yours. Since you will be completely losing your jailbreak for a period of time (and nobody knows how long that might be), I would suggest keeping a very close eye on the scene (or here at least, I will post as soon as I know a new version of IOS has been released), and be prepared to install 5.0.1 as soon as you get the nod. After that you have about 24 hours before it is too late.

At the moment, we know a new version of IOS will be out soon, but don't know exactly when. It could be a few days, or a few weeks, depending on what Apple device to do with the current exploits and how close 5.1 is to a GM release.
thank u 4 ur reply!
but wat if i wait for da 5.01 JB which will probably come when da bootrom exploit is found on the A5 devices, and then hopefully there will be support for ipad2 in tht glorious ifaith program, so i cn save my 4.3.3 SHSH BLOBS.

i know i am assuming alot here:D. BUT IS IT really worth waiting to save 4.3.3 blobs or upgrading to 5.0.1.

DAMN! its a genuine DILEMMA !!:eek::rolleyes:

any worthy opinions??
thank u 4 ur reply!
but wat if i wait for da 5.01 JB which will probably come when da bootrom exploit is found on the A5 devices, and then hopefully there will be support for ipad2 in tht glorious ifaith program, so i cn save my 4.3.3 SHSH BLOBS.

i know i am assuming alot here:D. BUT IS IT really worth waiting to save 4.3.3 blobs or upgrading to 5.0.1.

DAMN! its a genuine DILEMMA !!:eek::rolleyes:

any worthy opinions??

It could be a very very long wait. The A5 bootrom has still not been dumped AFAIK due to the new security measures Apple put in place.

Balance that with the likelihood that a userland 5.0.1 jailbreak will be released very soon. Again, the choice is yours, but the key is to keep an eye on what Apple does in terms of releasing a new version of IOS and closing the window on 5.0.1. Once that is done your choice is removed completely.
My question is, If we jailbreak 5.0.1 when it happens are we stuck with that jailbreak? Since the 5.0.1 blobs cant be used and if something goes wrong with the 5.0.1 jailbreak you have, like messing it up or something, and need to restore back to 5.0.1 to rejailbreak it.. will you be able to if apple stops signing 5.0.1??? Or are you stuck with the one jailbreak you have at 5.0.1 after apple stops signing... kind of like people that have 4.3.3 jailbreaks without shsh blobs?
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ur 5.0.1 SHSH BLOBS are useless ONLY AND ONLY if u have not dumped da APticket, ifaith allows u to do tht, but has no support 4 iphone4S and ipad2!
Hi All!
I took the plunge sort-to-speak and updated to 5.0.1 but I noticed I can't put my downloaded vids from YouTube back to my iPad2. Good thing I save them on my PC. I don't know what else the update did because I'm still getting acquainted w/my iPad. Anything else I should be aware of?
I upgraded to 5.0.1 and now my Internet speed is drastically slower, and facetime won't log in and tells me to check my connection. I have looked on the Internet and others have reported of this problem as well .Didn't have any problems at all until I downloaded the latest update. Annoyed about this!!
jamesshaw49 said:
I upgraded to 5.0.1 and now my Internet speed is drastically slower, and facetime won't log in and tells me to check my connection. I have looked on the Internet and others have reported of this problem as well .Didn't have any problems at all until I downloaded the latest update. Annoyed about this!!

Same! Can't even mirror with apple tv way to slow!

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