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Who's upgrading their Ipad 2 to 5.0.1 and who's waiting?

My wife recently updated her iPad2 to 5.0.1 and she likes it a lot. No problems so far. She was on 4.3.3 no JB.
i see......my bad.. alto i have read all threads like those mentioned above.


is it worth waiting for da new ifaith update with ipad2 support??

i am on ipad2 4.3.3 JB and i really dont feel like upgrading to 5.0.1. cuz i want to save those 4.3.3 blobs, and it can only be done using ifaith.when tht bootrom exploit is found!

The likelihood of a bootrom exploit for A5 being released anytime soon is very very small. AFAIK, the A5 bootrom has yet to be dumped due to the additional security measures Apple put on it this time. Waiting for a bootrom exploit to be found, packaged, and released could take a very long time... And, IF such an exploit is found, the first thing that would be delivered would be untethered jailbreak tools for 5.x on A5 devices, so giving yourself a 4.3.3 backup at that stage seems to offer very minimal benefit to me at least. If you mess up your 4.3.3. jailbreak today (or worse in a month or two) you will lose it anyway. Same if you are 5.0.1 JB (when released), so for me that is the better option. I am lucky enough to have 4.3.3 blobs and TinyCFW to fall back on though.

The worst possible scenario is messing up your 4.3.3 JB with the 5.0.1 signing window closed. Then you will be without a jailbreak until a new one is released, which again could be a long time...

At the end of the day, only you know what choices or risks you want to take.
My wife recently updated her iPad2 to 5.0.1 and she likes it a lot. No problems so far. She was on 4.3.3 no JB.
I just did it last night. A couple of problems I had to deal with along the way:

* Went through a bunch of iTunes errors. First 1604, then 1602 and then 1601 (I think). Solved that by going to a different computer, reinstalling iTunes and restoring the iPad.
* Thankfully iTunes on my original computer recognized the iPad and restored all apps from my backup. Of course I lost all my books and music since I do not keep those in the iTunes library, but that's a small price to pay. Interestingly enough, last time I upgraded iOS, I also lost all .AVI files that I had in CineXPlayer; this time they showed up again.
* A couple of apps did not get synced back; seems I downloaded them when I was setting up a relative's iPad and got them under his Apple ID. Oh well.
* Since I was using FolderEnhancer before, naturally all my apps are completely screwed up and I get to sort and organize them for the fourth time in 12 months. :(
* Some in-app purchases seem to have been retained (like the 3D feature in CineXPlayer), but others have not (like the full game pack in the Atari app -- don't feel like downloading 100+ MB for a third and fourth time, so I guess I'll just wait until the next JB comes out to make sure my iPad is the way I want it before putting "the finishing touches" on it).
* Can someone tell me how to deactivate the GameCenter? I must have pressed a button or something when I set up teh iPad after the upgrade, and now I always get greeted with "Welcome back..." when I start a game that supports it. Call me paranoid, but I don't want my iPad to go online every time I want to five minutes of fun...

Other than that, subjectively iOS5 does seem to be faster/snappier than iOS4 before, but maybe I just carried a lot of baggage around because of the jailbreak. Still have not come around to testing or exploring all the new features, but I guess I still have a day or two before the next JB will come out (hopefully).

I do miss some of the customizations and enhancements, though...
Lol, welcome to the club. We should set up a support group or former a5 4.3.3 jb waiting for the 5.0.1 kb to give support to each other!
Still unable to "upgrade" to 5. Its all about having files not in itunes that will be erased in the process. I download my sales catalogs and sometimes
Email pdfs to the ipad, so not stored in itunes. My system is running really slow after sending a photo through email too. Understand 5.01 may make it even worse
well i am saying what if the jailbreak does nt work in some devices, any thing can happen, some ipad1 users r facing problems with 5.0.1 jb.
Still unable to "upgrade" to 5. Its all about having files not in itunes that will be erased in the process. I download my sales catalogs and sometimes
Email pdfs to the ipad, so not stored in itunes. My system is running really slow after sending a photo through email too. Understand 5.01 may make it even worse

and thts EXACTLY wts stopping me to upgrade to 5.0.1!!!!:confused:
guys is there a good app to back up cydia tweaks/packages?? i hav used PKGbackup but i am nt convinced!

I have to say I swear by PKGBackup. It has never let me down. For my money, there is nothing better. Just make sure you set up all the options before you start (core settings are now in the settings app, rather than being in the pkgbackup app). Others may feel differently :)
I would just like to ask, is there a decent write up of instructions for PKGBackup, I know to most it's probably very simple to tick all the selections, but I like to know what they all mean.

Well I updated my iPad2 WiFi from 5.0 to 5.0.1. It took 4 hours! It took over 2 hours just to back up.
I did noticed my battery drained faster on 5.0 I'll fully charge my iPad2 and see if battery life is improved.
Last week while updating iTunes to the latest firmware I lost all my music and apps. So when I connected my iPad2 to iTunes it wanted to erase my data and sync with iTunes. I clicked cancel. I hope Apple fixes this bug with the latest firmware.
So far so good on 5.0.1.
I would just like to ask, is there a decent write up of instructions for PKGBackup, I know to most it's probably very simple to tick all the selections, but I like to know what they all mean.


I did write it up somewhere a long time ago, but probably as a reply. Things have changed quite a lot with the app recently, so I think you've probably just given me a little worthwhile project Rambler. I'll post a write up on it in the tweaks section as soon as I can... :)

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