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Who's upgrading their Ipad 2 to 5.0.1 and who's waiting?

Is 5.1 that far away? I thought it would be imminent since beta 3 was just released -- not that I know what that means along the firmware timelines.
Might be tempted now.. Just found out the new sky sports app update only supports 5.01 or above... Gutted...

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Is 5.1 that far away? I thought it would be imminent since beta 3 was just released -- not that I know what that means along the firmware timelines.

You can't accurately infer too much about the release of the final version from it's beta status. There's no rule. That said, it's not likely we will see many more betas for 5.1, if any, given it's current state :)
f4780y said:
You can't accurately infer too much about the release of the final version from it's beta status. There's no rule. That said, it's not likely we will see many more betas for 5.1, if any, given it's current state :)

Yeah, I figured as much. I'll probably take the plunge this week.
Jailbroken 4.3.3 iPad2 GSM with no saved BLOBs quandry

You can't accurately infer too much about the release of the final version from it's beta status. There's no rule. That said, it's not likely we will see many more betas for 5.1, if any, given it's current state :)
Just to confirm, my iPad2/3G (AT&T/GSM-MC775LL) is jailbroken running 4.3.3(8J2) without issue.

Cydia shows only "SHSH: IOS 5.0.1", and I believe from your posts that there's no way for me to save my current 4.3.3 BLOBs as iSH**** responds with the requested firmware is no longer available for signing error.

That being said, if I move to 5.0.1, there's no way for me to return to 4.3.3 and Jailbreak it again.

If pod2G, p0sixninja, MuscleNerd, planetbeing, and team release a public JB before 5.0.1 is no longer being signed by Apple, then we're all good. But shouldn't someone in my position (no saved BLOBs) stay on 4.3.3 in your estimation?

Sure, stay on 4.3.3 for now. If the jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 comes out BEFORE Apple's release of 5.1, then you're good - you can upgrade to the jailbreakable version and then JB.

However - you will have to make a decision if Apple comes out with iOS 5.1 BEFORE a jail break - and you will only have a small amount of time to decide. If you elect to stay at on a JB'd 4.3.3 and not move to iOS 5.0.1 before Apple closes the window, you will never be able to move up to iOS 5.0.1. At this time, having blobs for 5.0.1 on an iPad2 does you no good. If you miss the upgrade, you may not get a chance to upgrade your iPad for a long time. We do not know, at this time, if a jail break can be done on any version than 5.0.1.

There's your option: Stay at 4.3.3 if no jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 when 5.1 is released and risk NOT being able to upgrade to a jail breakable version for a long time ... if ever. You'll be forced to stay on an older iOS that developers have moved on from if you want to be jail broken.


Dump your iOS 4.3.3 jail break and move to iOS 5.0.1 when Apple releases 5.1 and hope a jail break is released soon or for that version.

From the way I'm phrasing this, you can probably tell what I recommend. But, as always, YMMV.

Move to 5.0.1, you will be safe.

I think the jb will be available within the next 7 days and in the meantime you can play with the new ios5 features.
Bravo Mickey330!

Thanks for confirming and condensing nearly 20 threads succinctly into one reply. I'll enjoy my JB'n 4.3.3 while monitoring the afore mentioned gurus' tweets and hope I can install 5.0.1 before Apple closes it's signing.

I've 5.0.1 on my 4S and enjoy many of it's new features.
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2 weeks ago I had my iPad 2 on 4.3.3, and now I upgraded it to 5.0.1 and I'm having some mail glitches!!..and also no more lyrics on music!!.., I wish I could go back!..
I understand and empathize. Google "pod2g's iOS blog" and watch for updates on the impending release of the A5 jailbreak (for iPad 2 and iPhone 4S). You can see that they've been able to jailbreak 5.0.1 by injecting untethering files to their 4S using a developer account. Since it relies on developer access, this keeps the team from being able to release the exploit publicly and that's what is taking time..... but they are almost there. It's amazing what they've been able to do over the years and so far on this exploit. I'm donating to the cause and hope others do as well. It's people like this that push Apple and other companies to build better products.

Hopefully, the wait is almost over...
Try rebooting your device (hold down home and power button until the device shuts off). If that doesn't work then try performing a restore and re-install iOS 5.0.1. I was in the same boat (4.3.3 & jailbroken) and updated to 5.0.1 and I have no issues at all and you shouldn't either.
IMO update to 5.0.1 NOW before apple stops signing it.. The JB that's being worked on is for 5.0.1 and we all know as soon as its released apple will patch it and stop signing it, and then you gotta wait for the 5.*** JB.... Which the wait could be as long as piece of string. Update now while you can and be patient.....

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