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Will you update your OS day of release or wait? Why?

All OSes have bugs...even if they work fine. You can't avoid bugs. They get fixed with an early update, so it's not a problem. All that iOS 6 beta testing ensures that the first release won't have major issues. Plenty of people are using it now.
The second I wake up, this girl will be downloading and updating. I am always an early adapter.

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People people people, honestly we're having this discussion? It make's no difference in anyone's opinion on this wait or not wait, all systems react differently even with the same system, that is the love hate relationship we have with this garbage, but honestly are we talking about it like it's a world ending decision? Just update it and ....., updates are mostly minor and for the most part don't make much of a noticeable change, with that said, an update is mostly bug fixes so why not do it???? Everyone that updates and posts issues 99.9% of the time have nothing to do with the actual update, it's operator error or what they are hooking it up to, or what they have added to there Mac, PC whatever and all in all programs conflict and create errors that are always different than the next person, just do it and pay attention to your device, just up date it won't kill ya and if you want to reverse it, always easy to do.

Moderator Notice...removed rude comments...yes, they were rude and uncalled. Please review the forum rules!
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People people people, honestly we're having this discussion? It make's no difference in anyone's opinion on this wait or not wait, all systems react differently even with the same system, that is the love hate relationship we have with this garbage, but honestly are we talking about it like it's a world ending decision? Just update it and ........... updates are mostly minor and for the most part don't make much of a noticeable change, with that said, an update is mostly bug fixes so why not do it???? Everyone that updates and posts issues 99.9% of the time have nothing to do with the actual update, it's operator error or what they are hooking it up to, or what they have added to there Mac, PC whatever and all in all programs conflict and create errors that are always different than the next person, just do it and pay attention to your device, just up date it won't kill ya and if you want to reverse it, always easy to do.

MODERATOR NOTICE--edited rude comments out.
This seems to be a more major update if you ask me. The OP is curious on people's opinions, and they gave them. If you don't feel the need for this discussion, ignore it.
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You're ill informed.

  • This is a major update, not a bug fix. Several new features are being added; especially for those with the latest devices.
  • Updates do sometimes have problems. Happens, even to Apple, though they have a better reputation than most.
  • iPads are less tweakable than Macs and PC's. Adding another app is rarely the cause of system problems (with the exception of jailbreaking).
  • Unless you jailbreak and save older iOS version, it is nearly impossible to go back to a previous version.
  • Telling people to shut up is seldom an effective way to actually get them to shut up; just ask Yosemite Sam.

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I'll update one of my iPads on release day and if there are no problems, I'll likely update the others in the days after initial release.
Calkid44 said:
People people people, honestly we're having this discussion? It make's no difference in anyone's opinion on this wait or not wait, all systems react differently even with the same system, that is the love hate relationship we have with this garbage, but honestly are we talking about it like it's a world ending decision? Just update it and shut up, updates are mostly minor and for the most part don't make much of a noticeable change, with that said, an update is mostly bug fixes so why not do it???? Everyone that updates and posts issues 99.9% of the time have nothing to do with the actual update, it's operator error or what they are hooking it up to, or what they have added to there Mac, PC whatever and all in all programs conflict and create errors that are always different than the next person, just do it and pay attention to your device, just up date it won't kill ya and if you want to reverse it, always easy to do.

Kind of speechless, clearly you haven't read what is included in this MAJOR update.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
People people people, honestly we're having this discussion? It make's no difference in anyone's opinion on this wait or not wait, all systems react differently even with the same system, that is the love hate relationship we have with this garbage, but honestly are we talking about it like it's a world ending decision? Just update it and ....., updates are mostly minor and for the most part don't make much of a noticeable change, with that said, an update is mostly bug fixes so why not do it???? Everyone that updates and posts issues 99.9% of the time have nothing to do with the actual update, it's operator error or what they are hooking it up to, or what they have added to there Mac, PC whatever and all in all programs conflict and create errors that are always different than the next person, just do it and pay attention to your device, just up date it won't kill ya and if you want to reverse it, always easy to do.

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Please refrain from using rude comments that are uncalled when posting. Please keep your communications maintained in an appropriate, respectful manner.

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IPadForums Staff
People people people, honestly we're having this discussion? It make's no difference in anyone's opinion on this wait or not wait, all systems react differently even with the same system, that is the love hate relationship we have with this garbage, but honestly are we talking about it like it's a world ending decision? Just update it and ....., updates are mostly minor and for the most part don't make much of a noticeable change, with that said, an update is mostly bug fixes so why not do it???? Everyone that updates and posts issues 99.9% of the time have nothing to do with the actual update, it's operator error or what they are hooking it up to, or what they have added to there Mac, PC whatever and all in all programs conflict and create errors that are always different than the next person, just do it and pay attention to your device, just up date it won't kill ya and if you want to reverse it, always easy to do.

Moderator Notice...removed rude comments...yes, they were rude and uncalled. Please review the forum rules!

There is a difference this time and I am looking for an answer before I upgrade. If I can find a way to save my favorites in the YouTube app then upgrading my iPad is a no-brainer and will happen as soon as I wake up, otherwise I need to wait until I see if saving our favorites is addressed in the update (remember the YouTube app is going away and we will have to use Google's App Store app going forward)
There is a difference this time and I am looking for an answer before I upgrade. If I can find a way to save my favorites in the YouTube app then upgrading my iPad is a no-brainer and will happen as soon as I wake up, otherwise I need to wait until I see if saving our favorites is addressed in the update (remember the YouTube app is going away and we will have to use Google's App Store app going forward)

I just did some playing around with both the native app and Google's iPhone Youtube app. From what I can see your favorites are stored on the YouTube site, not the iPad.

After making sure both apps were signed in, things worked well enough. This is what I did.

The new app showed my one old favorite immediately (again, after signing in with the app).

I went to the native app and added a couple more favorites.

Back in the Google app they did not show up. Hmm, so I forced the app all the way closed by clearing it from RAM, and started it again. The new favorites showed up. It just needed to go back to Google and update the list.

I also check the mobile YouTube site to see if my new favorites showed up. They did, though I had to force a reload on the page once.

At any rate, I suspect the new iPad YouTube app will work on iOS 5.x just like the new iPhone one does; so you'll have plenty of time to jump back and forth testing things before you need to update to iOS 6.

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