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Airport City Trading Centre

That's odd then because I have 47 flights

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need additional radar, spare wire or jet engine. Thank you :)

I too have 47 flights from training to Cape Town

bernardngo level 40. 171 stars, will return gifts within 24 hours
It's not impossible - I did the same switch to dummy FB a few weeks ago, although GI game centre still remembers data of old FB profile.

I removed the app from my real FB account but I still have Game Insight showing there. Should I remove that too? No matter what I do, the app doesn't show up in the new (fake) account. I have posted many accomplishments to it, but nothing happens. It just doesn't seem to be able to break the bond with my old account. Any ideas? GI certainly hasn't given me any!!!
Hi Barbara,
Just curious how you got 183 stars...congrats! I have finished all destinations and have only 171 stars. What am I missing? Kind of boring now just doing space flights...hope we get an upgrade soon... Thanks

Bernardngo level 40, 171 stars. Nothing needed, will return gifts within 24 hours. Thank you

I agree. We need a new quest!
Hi AC friends,

Any advice on how to remove secondary signature line with smaller font from my posts? Thanks to all...

bernardngo level 40. 171 stars, will return gifts within 24 hours

Try doing it on your laptop. Go to the edit signature in iPad Forum. You have many more options.
I don't need anymore as of this morning. GI's "solution" was to credit my new game with experience, stars and $200,000.

I will send radar.

No, it's the one that say level 35 needing shears, propellers and fuel hoses, do you see two signatures?

I cannot seen that one. Only the 'Bernardngo level 40 ....

bernardngo level 40. 171 stars, will return gifts within 24 hours

That's odd then because I have 47 flights

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need additional radar, spare wire or jet engine. Thank you :)

I will count again now. Lets see.
I don't need anymore as of this morning. GI's "solution" was to credit my new game with experience, stars and $200,000.

No, it's the one that say level 35 needing shears, propellers and fuel hoses, do you see two signatures?

bernardngo level 40. 171 stars, will return gifts within 24 hours

That's odd then because I have 47 flights

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need additional radar, spare wire or jet engine. Thank you :)

I will send radar.

I will count again now. Lets see.

No. Theres 47. I had incorrectly counted.
I removed the app from my real FB account but I still have Game Insight showing there. Should I remove that too? No matter what I do, the app doesn't show up in the new (fake) account. I have posted many accomplishments to it, but nothing happens. It just doesn't seem to be able to break the bond with my old account. Any ideas? GI certainly hasn't given me any!!!
Fannie, AFAIR I changed my FB data in GI game centre too, so try to change yours and after that allow game to post your accomplishments on new FB account.
Fannie, AFAIR I changed my FB data in GI game centre too, so try to change yours and after that allow game to post your accomplishments on new FB account.

Do you remember how you went about changing it in GI game centre? Did you do this from within the game or somewhere else? I think this may be where my problem lies but I can't figure out how to fix it. I can't seem to change any of the info!!!
I removed the app from my real FB account but I still have Game Insight showing there. Should I remove that too? No matter what I do, the app doesn't show up in the new (fake) account. I have posted many accomplishments to it, but nothing happens. It just doesn't seem to be able to break the bond with my old account. Any ideas? GI certainly hasn't given me any!!!

Do you remember how you went about changing it in GI game centre? Did you do this from within the game or somewhere else? I think this may be where my problem lies but I can't figure out how to fix it. I can't seem to change any of the info!!!

I think you need to remove all traces from your real Facebook account. You don't seem to be able to do anything from within the game.

neither Troglodyte69 (iPad) or Troglodyte96 (iPhone), really need anything (except damn wheat) just now, but any flight stuff is always welcome, thanks..
I have upgraded my ctrl. twr. to lv. 3. Please send 1 weather display and 2 text books. 1 more spaceship engine is required for cosmic fuel stn. Can robot testers be gifted?

I'll send you a spaceship engine when my gifts re set.
Do you remember how you went about changing it in GI game centre? Did you do this from within the game or somewhere else? I think this may be where my problem lies but I can't figure out how to fix it. I can't seem to change any of the info!!!

I didn't find a way to change the GI account. For the FB one though I removed all GI games from FB - I seemed to have a few and only after removing the last one did it work (I had to look on the GI website to see which games were theirs).

And yes it is a cow - home made birthday cake for my daughters birthday.


jdm- level 40. need: transmitter
I think you need to remove all traces from your real Facebook account. You don't seem to be able to do anything from within the game.

neither Troglodyte69 (iPad) or Troglodyte96 (iPhone), really need anything (except damn wheat) just now, but any flight stuff is always welcome, thanks..

The thing I'm afraid of is that the AC app doesn't appear anywhere any more and if I remove the Game Center app from my FB account, will it mess up my game? I don't know how my AC app is working at all right now!
I didn't find a way to change the GI account. For the FB one though I removed all GI games from FB - I seemed to have a few and only after removing the last one did it work (I had to look on the GI website to see which games were theirs).

And yes it is a cow - home made birthday cake for my daughters birthday.


jdm- level 40. need: transmitter

I will go searching for any more GI games. Thanks for the advice! The cow cake is incredible! Did you make it?

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