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Airport City Trading Centre

I have to restrain myself from being too addicted.
I will never be addicted. I will nev.......

I use to say that too...I am proud to be addicted! We need a new quest please, I don't want to go back to bejeweled blitz!

bernardngo level 40. 171 stars, will return gifts within 24 hours
New quest is needed. I'd like the one with the little green attack planes. That statue looks cool!

Lukehakesley level 40 stars 146 Looking for Propellers at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs 2 x Solar Cell, 1 x Bath Towl.
I use to say that too...I am proud to be addicted! We need a new quest please, I don't want to go back to bejeweled blitz!

bernardngo level 40. 171 stars, will return gifts within 24 hours

Ha ha. Lets see what happens with me.
We do need a new quest. Lately, I have been only collecting 30000 for the land expansion. Jumped from 20000 to 29000 with one of the business class bonuses. Hope to buy the land today. Other than that, I have only been flying to get the things for upgrading.
Do we get an offer anytime to buy land for half price with coins?
New quest is needed. I'd like the one with the little green attack planes. That statue looks cool!

Lukehakesley level 40 stars 146 Looking for Propellers at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs 2 x Solar Cell, 1 x Bath Towl.

I dont know which one you are talking about. Just guessing, is it to complete the collection 'flying tank'? We get a green coloured attack plane for it.
That's true, we don't have anything to complain about. Maybe GI can put Barbara's video up and give us all greens for watching it.

Troglodyte69 (iPad) any flight stuff always welcome, Troglodyte96 (iPhone), need grinding machine & defroster please..

Now that would be good!!!
Ha ha. Lets see what happens with me.
We do need a new quest. Lately, I have been only collecting 30000 for the land expansion. Jumped from 20000 to 29000 with one of the business class bonuses. Hope to buy the land today. Other than that, I have only been flying to get the things for upgrading.
Do we get an offer anytime to buy land for half price with coins?

The offer comes up regularly so just wait if you can. Save all those greenies you can because you need them in this game :)
Airport city has become somewhat dull now... Just play twice a day now, collecting money and sending off planes.
I dont know which one you are talking about. Just guessing, is it to complete the collection 'flying tank'? We get a green coloured attack plane for it.

Yes a few neighbours of mine who play on android have already had this quest.

<UIKBKeyView: 0x253deff0; frame = (95 181; 173 79); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x25198800>>

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