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Airport City Trading Centre

Upgraded my tower finally and got it done in 5 seconds with the free greenies but I am fresh out of cash now for at least a week haha! Is the Area 51 quest still able to be completed and what is this Stonehenge quest?

I have uploaded over 700 pictures to FB!
So you thought you could do this without your forum friends, did you :)
It's nice to see you back! Stick around for a bit ;)

No....I couldn't live without y'all. Life happened.....

JordanChilly - Level 39 - i need duty free items ( like whiskey and square chocolate candies) and fuel please.....
How long does it take before AC connects to FB? It now says that I have the target to connect 7 more friends, only Trog( 2 times) shows up.
Do I still have to wait before I can send the fuel, or can I take some action???
If anyone can send me passengers that would be much appreciated. These Stonehenge flights need lots!

Sian and David (level 40) Need passengers. Thank you :)

As I'm about to embark on this quest, I guess I should start asking for passengers too! Want to exchange?
Yes side view lol her account must be full of your airport pictures.. Relief that's its not you I was feeling old :)

I reckon most of us are older than say 35 playing this game at a guess..

needs nothing send me what you need

I resemble that remark!
Trog I sent a couple of video boards before as I thought you may of needed them. All 3 airports only gift video boards .I am able to gift server racks now though after you sending me so many.

Long distance items please.My sons Airport is called "Rigby's city" he needs spare wires. My iPhone Airport is called Randy Bobandy

Luke, could you please tell what to send on Randy Bobandy?
Is anyone up for a spaceship ride? I have one open....no waiting. Thanks!!!

JordanChilly - Level 39 - i need duty free items ( like whiskey and square chocolate candies) and fuel please.....

My lander is due to arrive in 1 hour. If I get life support system, I will join. On which pad? I was thinking of launching prometheus next, so I will be looking there first.
Are many of you (like me) chasing the Guardians of the Forest quest, and seeking the Stonehenge monument? It is certainly demanding and a drain on our resources.

It's recently dawned on me that perhaps 'coins' are the new 'greenies'. What with the cost of the level 7 upgrades and the cost to buy delta jets for the stonehenge quest, I've managed to spend at least two million coins during the past couple of weeks. I suppose it would be less fun if quests were easy, but I do wonder if GI are perhaps more switched on than we give them credit for. I guess that most of us are still accumulating greenies (though not so enthusiastically as we were), whilst we are fast depleting our banks of coins which take ages to replenish.

Any wise thoughts on this subject out there?


Well, I dont know which planes to fly where for the Guardians of the Forest. Fred there kindly told us the planes to fly for Stonehenge. I am packing up passengers and fuel. Launching would be a good idea for fuel as we quite often get it from there. I am not currently working on it.
If anyone can send me passengers that would be much appreciated. These Stonehenge flights need lots!

Sian and David (level 40) Need passengers. Thank you :)

I will send.

Upgraded my tower finally and got it done in 5 seconds with the free greenies but I am fresh out of cash now for at least a week haha! Is the Area 51 quest still able to be completed and what is this Stonehenge quest?

I have uploaded over 700 pictures to FB!

No, the area no 51 quest is no longer available, though the map to area 51 is still there, but it is of no use without the fighter jet as you need those to fly there. The stonehenge quest is the one just after the Guardiand of the Forest quest. It requires a collection of items just like the forest one. 2 maps, can be brought with coins but the rest need to be purchased with greenies, I dont remember the chest but they are probably the last item in Duke Crockers airship.

As I'm about to embark on this quest, I guess I should start asking for passengers too! Want to exchange?

I will send you pax. No exchange please. You can send me flight items.
How long does it take before AC connects to FB? It now says that I have the target to connect 7 more friends, only Trog( 2 times) shows up.
Do I still have to wait before I can send the fuel, or can I take some action???

Yoda: [Looking away from Luke] I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.
Obi-Wan: [voice-over] He will learn patience.

You may send the fuel to Trog now; your next contacts will appear gradually in next hours/days.
Yoda: [Looking away from Luke] I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.
Obi-Wan: [voice-over] He will learn patience.

You may send the fuel to Trog now; your next contacts will appear gradually in next hours/days.

Learning to be patient takes time, and somewhat paradoxically, it takes patience to learn to be patient.
That's too much patience for me
How long does it take before AC connects to FB? It now says that I have the target to connect 7 more friends, only Trog( 2 times) shows up.
Do I still have to wait before I can send the fuel, or can I take some action???

I have received fuel from you. :)

Sian and David (level 40) Need passengers. Thank you :)
As I'm about to embark on this quest, I guess I should start asking for passengers too! Want to exchange?

I'm happy to get in on the exchange too if that's okay with both of you. I haven't even started the Aztec quest but if Barbara says we are going to need passengers I listen.
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